Re: Software inquiry: Serials check-in/tracking for DOS? Betty Murr 03 Jan 1996 19:12 UTC

In addition to a direct reply, please post responses for the rest of us.  I
am currently looking for serials check-in/tracking software.  Dawson has a
program titled "PCMAX" which has worked well for us (DOS--286)--but we also
currently use Dawson as a jobber for periodicals.  (I am in the process of
bidding such for 1997).  Any input or suggestions would be most welcomed.

Betty Murr, Deputy Director                     voice:  314-441-2300
St. Charles City-County Library District        fax:    314-441-3132
425 Spencer Rd
P.O. Box 529                             email:
St. Peters, MO 63376

Ann Devenish wrote:
>At the request of a colleague, I am posting the following.  In that
>she is not a participant of the list, please reply to her e-mail
>address.  Thank you. ...
>    ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>    From:          "Trisha Cantwell Keene" <>
>    Organization:  College of the Atlantic
>    Date:          Tue, 2 Jan 1996 10:16:57 EST
>    Subject:       Software inquiry
>    We are interested in a Serials check-in/tracking program for DOS
>    platform.  Is there any such software program out there which is not
>    proprietary on a particular circulation system/OPAC?  We presently
>    have a 286 available to run it- plenty of hard drive space- the
>    machine is an old OCLC Wyse workstation.
>    Thanks very much.
>    Happy New Year
>    Trisha Cantwell Keene
>    Assistant Director
>    Thorndike Library
>    College of the Atlantic
>    109 Eden St.
>    Bar Harbor, Maine  04609
>    Ph. 207-288-5017 x275