Assignments for Serials Check-in Clerk Donnice Cochenour 08 Jan 1996 16:26 UTC

Please reply to Donnice Cochenour <DCochenour@VINES.COLOSTATE.EDU>,
not to the list.  Thanks.   --ed.

-----------Forwarded message-----------
For purposes of workflows and work assignments, I'm interested in
determining an appropriate number of serials titles to assign to a
single serials check-in clerk.
Would you please respond to these brief questions:

1)  How many serials titles do you assign to each FTE check-in clerk?

2)  What other duties does this person perform in addition to checking in

_____   Claiming  issues for the assigned titles
_____   Photocopying titles pages/gathering paperwork on title changes for
assigned titles
_____   Performing routine maintenance on the automated system (updating
summary holdings statements, locations changes, etc.) for assigned titles
_____    Other duties (please list)

Please respond to me and I'll be happy to summarize for the list if others
are interested.

Many thanks,

Donnice Cochenour
Serials Librarian
Colorado State University Libraries
Ft.Collins, CO 80523
(970) 491-1821
(970) 491-1195 (fax)