ALCTS Serials Section Research Libraries DG at Midwinter Sandra M. Heft 08 Jan 1996 16:39 UTC

                        SATURDAY JANUARY 20, 1996
                                9:30--11 AM
                        CONVENTION CENTER ROOM 206

This is an opportunity for serials librarians to get together and discuss
the issues that concern us most. Please join us for a lively discussion
on some of our favorite subjects:

        CANCELLATION PROJECTS:  how did you do it this time?  how did
                you handle faculty revolt?

        CD-ROM SERIALS: what are you doing with those 'freebies?'

        THE INTERNET AND SERIALS (how is the Internet changing your day?)
                WWW JOURNALS:   how do you get them? how should you
                catalog them? why do you want them?  who's doing what?
                CLAIMING:  is it any easier? faster?
                TRAINING AND RETRAINING:   how much do your support staff
                use the Internet?  how much do you want them to?

        SERIALS WORKFLOW:  who does what in your library?  how has automation
                affected support staff and librarians?

        SOCIETIES vs. COMMERCIAL PUBLISHERS:  what trends do you see in
                society publishing? will they be able to survive our
                yearly cuts?

        ????????????????:  other topics you'd like to discuss?

Chair:          Sandra M. Heft
                Head, Technical Services
                Caltech Library System Mail Code 1-32
                California Institute of Technology
                Pasadena, CA  91125
                818-395-6415    FAX=818-792-7540

Vice-chair:     Anne E. McKee
                West Coast Regional Sales Manager
                The Faxon Company