Handling journals/books with items i.e disks software etc Kamala Narayanan 10 Jan 1996 15:27 UTC

Hi Serialists:
I think this topic may have been discussed before, but I can't seem to retrieve
them from the archives. We are weighing the advantages and disadvantages in
shelving in the regular stacks vs keeping them in a separate area.
I have also another question. We use magnetic metal shelving and
magnetic book ends. Does anyone know if this is a problem for shelving items
with diskettes and cassettes? A direct reply to me or to the list is
appreciated. Thanks

Mrs Kamala.S.Narayanan           Userid:narayana@qucdn.queensu.ca
Serials Librarian                Phone :(613) 545-6000 ext 4540
Mackintoh Corry Hall             Fax   :(613) 545-6819
Library, Acquisitions/Serials
Queen's University,Kingston. Ontario K7L 5C4 Canada