ALA Meeting Agenda: GODORT Cataloging Committee Dena Hutto 17 Jan 1996 23:06 UTC

        If you will be at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Antonio and are
interested in the cataloging and processing of government publications,
please consider attending the:

Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) Cataloging Committee Meeting

Sunday, January 21, 1996, 2-4 PM
Hyatt Riverwalk, Chula Vista Boardroom

Agenda --

1.  Reports and announcements
2.  Discussion:  Project to cataloging pre-1976 U.S. documents
3.  Discussion:  Cataloging Committee's response to the Government Printing
Office's "Electronic Federal Depository Library Program:  Transition Plan"
4.  Discussion:  Ideas for future panel discussions and/or programs:
    - cataloging and government information on the Internet
    - vendor services for documents processing (emphasis on non-U.S.
    - other suggestions/ideas welcome

        If any of the items on the agenda peak your interest, or if you'd
just like to meet others involved in documents processing, please joint us!

-- Dena Hutto, Chair
   Penn State Documents/Maps Section