Title change problem (Isabel Brackbill) Marcia Tuttle 19 Jan 1996 13:15 UTC

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Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 13:48:55 -0700
From: Isabel Brackbill <ibrackbill@LANL.GOV>
Subject: Title change problem

I have on my desk the Soviet Journal of Coordination Chemistry, vol. 19,
no.1 and no.2 (Jan-Feb 1993), published by Interperiodica, reflecting a
publisher change from Consultants Bureau. The next issue published, v.19,
no.3 (Mar 1993), was a title change to Russian Journal of Coordination
Chemistry. While checking the stacks last week, I noticed that we had
subsequently also received vol. 19, no.1 and no.2 (Jan-Feb 1993) from
Consultants Bureau under the title Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry.

These duplicate copies of vol. 19, nos. 1 and 2 have two different titles,
but identical contents.

My question is this: when did the title change occur, with issue no.1 or
no.3? How would you handle the cataloging for these titles?

Isabel Brackbill
Collection Team
Research Library
Los Alamos National Laboratory