"comes with" newsletters (Deborah L. Bailey) Marcia Tuttle 22 Jan 1996 21:53 UTC

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Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 15:14:00 CST
Subject: "comes with" newsletters

Thank you to everyone who has replied to my "comes with" questions. This
posting is a synopsis of the replies.  If you would like a copy of all the
replies let me know and I will forward them.

The general consensus is to evaluate each title.  Some of the libraries
have subject bibliographers/specialists who assist in the decision making
process for inclusion in the collection.  The newsletters are retained for
varying amounts of time, 6 months to 5 years, with most being held about 1
year.  Most of the libraires indicated that they used the cataloging from
their utility (WLN, RLIN, or OCLC).

The most interesting way of handling these titles was a "separate vertical
file called the Serials File," where the issues are "arranged
alphabetically by title in a legal-sized cabinet." (Amelia C. VanGundy,
John Cook Wyllie Library)

Again, thank you for your time and ideas.  I've got an interesting job
ahead of me.


Deborah Bailey                            dbailey@choctaw.astate.edu
Assistant Order Librarian
Dean B. Ellis Library
Arkansas State University