Australian Serials Seminars (Carolyne Cohn) Marcia Tuttle 23 Jan 1996 13:41 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 13:39:14 PST
From: Carolyne Cohn <ccohn@MAILHOST.WORLD.NET>
Subject: Australian Serials Seminars

                                 hosted by
           the Australian Serials Special Interest Group (ASSIG)

Eminent representatives from the two most important serials groups in the
world will lead a series of Australia-wide seminars on the future of
serials in this country and internationally, from 26 February 1996.

October Ivins is the immediate past President of the North American
Serials Interest Group (NASIG). She has been Chair and/or a member of many
committees of the American Library Association including Journal Costs in
Academic Libraries, Automated Acquisitions and Ethics Statement Task
Force. Currently seeking a PhD at the Graduate School of Library &
Information Science of the University of Texas, she was until June, 1995
the Head of Acquisitions and Serials Services Louisiana State University.
She was the principal author of the "Guide to Performance Evaluation of
Serials Vendors" and has contributed at professional meetings and many
library journals. October is also an independent consultant advising
publishers regarding electronic development and publicity to the library
community as well as providing advice to libraries on management and

Will Wakeling is the Chair of the United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG).  He
holds a Masters degree in Librarianship at Sheffield University, and is
currently Assistant Director of Information Services at the University of
Birmingham. He has responsibility for all technical services and
collection management activity, not to mention copyright issues. He also
chairs the University's Electronic Information Sources group. He has a
particular interest in serials acquisitions issues and in the development
of EDI on acquisitions work to speed the implementation of international
standards in electronic book and serials ordering. Will serves on a number
of EDI-related working parties. In addition, Will serves on the Library
Advisory Committees of several major serials and electronic publishers and
on the UK National Preservation Office's Working Party of Preservation
Administrators. Since 1991, with Will as Marketing Officer and latterly
Chair, the UKSG's activities have increased significantly, and now include
publications, seminars, travelling Roadshows and national and
international conferences.

The seminars, hosted by ASSIG, will focus on THE FUTURE OF SERIALS? ISSUES
IN SUPPLY MANAGEMENT AND USE. Topics are expected to include

*    Serials pricing - where is it going?
     The effect of electronic services
*    Do UK and US libraries spend as much of their budget on serials
     as they used to?  How are they dealing with the change?
*    What will the serials units of the future look like?
     Who will work in them?
*    The roles and importance of serials special interest groups
*    Electronic journals - changed form, changed perceptions.

There will be different Australian speakers at each seminar including Derek
Whitehead from the State Library of Victoria and Dale Chatwin of the ABS
Library in Canberra.

Registration fees will be $95 for ASSIG and ALIA members, $125 for non-
members and $45 for students.

Location, date and local contacts are -

PERTH - Monday 26th February 1996
Kurrajong Lecture Theatre         Jackie Moffatt
Claremont Campus                  Phone:  (09) 273-8633
Edith Cowan University            Fax:  (09) 273-8632

ADELAIDE - Wednesday 28th February 1996
Enterprise House                  Jenni Jeremy
136 Greenhill Road                Phone:  (08) 302-6720
UNLEY                             Fax:  (08) 302-6756

MELBOURNE - Friday 1st March 1996
Hotel Ibis                        Carolyne Cohn
15-21 Therry Street               Phone:  (03) 9326-5366
MELBOURNE                         Fax:  (03) 9326-9808

CANBERRA - Monday 4th March 1996
4th Floor                         Dale Chatwin
National Library of               Phone:  (06) 252-6605
Australia                         Fax:  (06) 252-6906

SYDNEY - Wednesday 6th March 1996
The Theatrette                    James O'Brien
Parliament House                  Phone:  (046) 203-118
Macquarie Street                  Fax:  (046) 282-460
SYDNEY                            j.o'

BRISBANE - Friday 8th March 1996
Metway Theatrette                 Alfred Gans
State Library of Queensland       Phone:  (07) 3371-7500
SOUTH BRISBANE                    Fax:  (07) 3371-5566

Registration forms are available from Denise Ada in Brisbane, Phone: (07)
3371-7500, Fax: (07) 3371-5566 or e-mail


Register now. Complete this form and return it with payment to ASSIG
Seminar, PO Box 709, Toowong, Queensland 4066.

Indicate the seminar you wish to attend
Perth    ..               Adelaide ..            Melbourne ..
Canberra ..               Sydney   ..            Brisbane  ..

Title (eg. Mr/Ms/Dr) ..................................................
Surname ...............................................................
First name for namebadge ..............................................
Organisation ..........................................................
Position ..............................................................
Postal address ........................................................
Work phone ............................................................
Work fax ..............................................................

Cheque enclosed (please make payable to ASSIG) ..
Bankcard ..  Mastercard ..  Visa .. (please note that debits will appear as
ISA Australia on your credit card statement)

Account number ........................................................
Expiry date    ...../.....
Signature      ........................................................
Card holder    ........................................................