Re: Journals Inflation (Danny Jones) Marcia Tuttle 30 Jan 1996 21:03 UTC

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Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 13:32:41 -0600
From: Daniel H. Jones <jones@BLIS.UTHSCSA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journals Inflation (Kathleen Thorne)

        Kathleen has identified one interesting situation.  Here's
another, posed by Jim Mouw to a publisher group in the Fall.

        Why are European journal prices so vulnerable to foreign exchange
rates when European automobiles are not nearly so?  The 1996 average price
of my Springer-Verlag journals increased by 26.1% over the 1995 average
price, but I don't believe the average price of a Volkswagen [or even a
Mercedes Benz] increased by nearly that amount.

Danny Jones

Daniel H. Jones (
Assistant Library Director for Collection Development
Briscoe Library
University of Texas Health Science Center
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San Antonio, Texas, USA  79284-7940
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