Re. Faxon Subscription Agency query (5 messages) Birdie MacLennan 07 Feb 1996 15:22 UTC

5 messages, 108 lines:

Date:         Wed, 7 Feb 1996 08:07:17 EST
From:         A Phillips <AEPHILLI@HAWK.SYR.EDU>
Subject:      Faxon Subscription Agency query

On Tue, 6 Feb 1996, Sue Coffey <> wrote:
> Has anyone else had the problems with Faxon that I have?  We have been with
> them for over 10 years.  In 1995 they decided to bring in a new computer
> system.  I sent in my renewal for 1996 on October 1, 1995, they did not get
> around to processing the renewal until December 15, 1995.  They left off
> many  titles from the 1996 renewal.  Therefore many of the titles still do
> not have orders placed for them or 1996 and the rest of the titles did not
> start with the January issue.  I have had very little cooperation in trying
> to solve this situation.  Please let me know if I am the only library having
> these kind of problems.  Thanks.

  We are also a long time Faxon client.  They have had difficulties
with the new system they installing.  Have you been talking to your
customer service rep.?  We are also waiting for the 1996 billing on
some of our titles, specifically the IEEE package of transactions &
journals.  I periodically e-mail our customer service rep. and ask
about it, I am being told that they are working on it and invoice will
be coming.  I have rec'd invoices from Faxon after the renewal invoice
on a monthly basis, that charge us for title that were not on renewal
invoice or are new title I have ordered. These invoices are not huge
but they are coming.

Ann Phillips
serials supervisor
Syracuse University Library

Date:         Wed, 7 Feb 1996 08:46:40 -0500
From:         Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Faxon Subscription Agency query

Faxon has indeed switched over to a new computer system & it has been
caused some problems.  As one whose library did the same thing a couple of
years ago, I know what they're dealing with.  My nightmares still resurface

I haven't had the problems you have--there was a delay in getting our big
invoice--partly due to miscommunication on our part; a few small things,
but have been unfailingly treated courteously and professionally and
they've been rectified almost immediately.  I think they did send out
renewals later this year than previously; no issues have been missed,
but there have been an inordinate amount of renewal notices proclaiming
RENEW etc etc.

On a scale with the other vendors/publishers we deal with, Faxon is still
easily on the top.

Jeanette Skwor
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Date:         Tue, 6 Feb 1996 14:21:15 -0800
From:         Mary Margaret Benson <mbenson@CALVIN.LINFIELD.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Faxon Subscription Agency query

Sue, you are definitely not the only library with Faxon problems.  We are
experiencing major problems.  It took them six weeks to process our new
title list for 1996 (which, granted, was late getting to them).  And they
also left off titles on our 1996 renewal list.  Most problematic is the fact
that over a hundred titles simply ceased in October and November and
December; some (like Time and the New Yorker) have started up again in
1996.  Because so many of these titles are weekly, we have already sent
them hundreds of claims in 1996.

Mary Margaret Benson
Technical Services Librarian
Northup Library
Linfield College
McMinnville OR 97128


Date:         Wed, 7 Feb 1996 15:16:11 GMT+1200
From:         Barbara Rauch <BRAUCH@CENTRE.AIT.AC.NZ>
Organization: Auckland Institute of Technology
Subject:      Re: Faxon Subscription Agency query

Hi, Sue.
Although we are many miles from the US and Faxon home ground, we have
also had problems.
We have not yet been invoiced for a renewal notice covering
several titles which was returned to them in November.
No, you are not alone!

Barbara Rauch, Serials-Acquisitions
Auckland Institute of Technology Library
Private Bag 92006              
Auckland, New Zealand                 Ph:(09)307 9999 Fx:(09)307 9977

Date:         Tue, 6 Feb 1996 23:36:22 -0600
From:         Joe Edelen, University of South Dakota <JEDELEN@CHARLIE.USD.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Faxon Subscription Agency query

You're not.