Re: Title change for Scholastic coach and athletic director
Cynthia Santos 04 Mar 1996 15:27 UTC
we had the same problem what we did was put a see card with the old title.
this is to tell the patron to what vols it was called scholastic coach. also
a book end might be very helpful. we did this also in our dynix bib record
the old title and the new title.
[From: Cynthia Santos <CSANTOS@STMARYTX.EDU>]
Charles Tremper wrote:
> We have been confused by the CONSER records reflecting the title
> change from Scholastic coach and athletic director (OCLC #30834945)
> to Coach and athletic director (OCLC #33998979) Both records have
> the note: Title from cover. Dec. 1995 is given as the 1st issue
> of the new title. However, the Nov. issue has the new title on
> the cover, but retains the former title on the masthead and
> contents p. Why is Nov. not the first issue of the new title? ...