Visit to Periodicals Depts. in Chicago Area (Eva Tesaker) Ann Ercelawn 05 Mar 1996 14:22 UTC

Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 10:30:44 +0100
From: Eva Tesaker <e.m.tesaker@UB.UIO.NO>
Subject: Periodicals Departments

--Please reply directly to Eva Tesaker, not to SERIALST. Thanks -- ed.

I am planning a trip to the States in October to attend my college reunion
(30 years!).  At the same time I am interested in visiting libraries in the
Chicago area to see how the periodical departments are organized and their
relationship to the other departments.  We are building a new main library
here at the University of Oslo, where the Social Science Library and the
Humanities Library will be combined.  That means that we will have about
6000 periodical titles to handle.  The new library is to be finished by
September, 1998 (they have not yet started digging), but already now we are
discussing organisation of the new library.
Are there any of you out there that would be willing to show me around?  I
am also interested in how you handle electronic journals, if at all.
I need an answer before Mar. 12, since I am going to apply for a travel
grant from our government.
Sincerely yours,
Eva Tesaker, Fakultetsbiblioteket SV
Periodicals Department
Social Science Library,Univ. of Oslo
P.O. Box 1098, Blindern
0317 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 22 85 53 19
Fax  +47 22 85 71 69