Volume Statistics (Barbara Rauch) Ann Ercelawn 07 Mar 1996 14:40 UTC

Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 13:08:21 GMT+1200
From: Barbara Rauch <BRAUCH@ORAKEI.AIT.AC.NZ>
Subject: Volume Statistics

Dear Serialst folks,

   We are trying to devise an accurate and efficient system for
keeping current and annual statistics of the number of volumes of
serials we hold.
Given that - One volume = a bound "book" or  a box of issues or a set of
issues per year,
and that a serial includes periodicals and annuals on standing
order which are held for 1 - 10 years before withdrawal.
We hold approx. 1900 titles and we do not bind our serials and so can not
benefit from
binder's figures. We use the serials control module of the Urica 2000 system.

   We could physically keep a tally against a printed list as a new volume
number is checked in. This seems to be the likely method being discussed at
The cataloguing dept keeps statistics of withdrawn issues and feels
that counting of received volumes should be a serials dept matter.
The definition of a volume seems to be not just the publisher's
numbering but also how many will fit into a box. This convention
surely  dates from the dark ages. It can only be an estimate, but I
guess if all libraries count this way then we are at least comparing apples
with apples. BUT surely there's a way to do this using computer
technology. Perhaps counting bar-codes used (we code every issue) and
dividing by the average number of issues per volume per year  - say 8.
We are planning to begin by doing  a physical count of the volumes on the
shelf  and then implement this tally system from June onwards..

    If you have a system that works well would you please share it with
me? The more I think about it the more complex it becomes. What do you do
when the publication does not have Vols and Nos.
How are you alerted when an annual needs withdrawing?

    Do you perhaps do it through the catalogue holdings record?

    Perhaps there are others on the list who would like to hear some
discussion of this problem?


Barbara Rauch, Serials-Acquisitions
Auckland Institute of Technology Library
Private Bag 92006                        E-Mail:brauch@centre.ait.ac.nz
Auckland, New Zealand                 Ph:(09)307 9999 Fx:(09)307 9977

xxxxxxx Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine xxxxxxx