BACKSERV/BackMed Information (3 messages) Ann Ercelawn 08 Mar 1996 22:07 UTC

3 messages:

Date: Fri, 08 Mar 1996 15:20:40 -0500 (EST)
From: Marilyn Geller <mgeller@READMORE.COM>
Subject: Re: Duplicate/Exchange Services (Kathleen Thorne)

In response to Kathleen Thorne's request for information, BACKSERV is a
multi-faceted project.  There are two associated Internet mailing lists:
BACKSERV for the exchange of general materials, and BackMed for the
exchange of medical and health-related materials.  To subscribe to these
lists, send a message to that reads: subscribe
backserv (or backmed) firstname lastname and you'll be added to the
subscriber list.

Messages to these lists should include a subject line that says "Wanted"
or "Available" and gives a general topic.  The message itself should list
materials that are being offered or being sought, complete contact
information and the conditions of exchange (i.e., psotage reimbursement
in stamps or cash, no reimbursement, etc.).  You do not need to be a
subscriber to either of these lists to post messages.  In addition, the
lists are configured to direct replies to the original sender of the
message (although some mail programs ignore this feature!).

The most recent eight weeks worth of BACKSERV and BackMed messages are
searchable on the website.  In addition, the website includes browsable
and searchable catalogs of participating back issue dealers as well as
online order and inquiry forms for these dealers.  Complete information
about the BACKSERV Project is also available on the website.  The URL for
this site is

The BACKSERV Project is a service of Readmore, Inc., but it is available
free of charge to all members of the library community.

Marilyn Geller, Internet Product Specialist, Readmore Inc.

Date: Fri, 08 Mar 1996 15:21:10 -0500
From: Carol Feustel <Carol.Feustel@UC.EDU>

Here is the information for Backserv:

        BACKSERV: The Back Issues and Duplicate Exchange List
                          Scope and Purpose

BACKSERV is a list devoted exclusively to the informal exchange of
serials back issues and books among libraries.  This list provides a
forum for the listing of both available and desired serial issues and
books in all subject areas.  BACKSERV is not a forum for the
discussion of the process of exchanging materials or of the merits of
various dealers or exchange avenues.  Messages of this type should be
posted instead to SERIALST or ACQNET.

Each message sent to BACKSERV should list one or more issues or titles
which are either wanted or available.  Please do not include both
wanted and available titles in the same message.  The Subject line of
each message should include either the word WANTED or AVAILABLE. This
should be followed by a general subject area as in the examples below:

Subject:  WANTED - History
Subject:  AVAILABLE - History

As a guide, messages should be kept to no more than 100 lines.  Please
include complete contact information in your message.

BACKSERV is not a moderated list.  It is meant purely as a
communication vehicle for librarians and library staff offering or
seeking back issues of serial titles or books.  You do not need to be
subscribed to the list to send messages.  Replies to messages should
be sent directly to the sender and NOT to the list.  Dealers and other
exchange organizations are welcome to monitor the list but are asked
not to send messages to BACKSERV at this time.

The BACKSERV archives are publicly accessible and may be retrieved by
subscribers and non-subscribers.  To find out what is available in the
archives, send a message to LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM that reads:
index BACKSERV.  To retrieve files from the archives, send a message
to LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM that reads: get <filename> <filetype> as
listed in the index.

To subscribe to this list, send a message to LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM
that reads:

        subscribe BACKSERV <your name>

To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to

        unsubscribe BACKSERV

The archives of BACKSERV are also part of a gopher and are fully
searchable using built-in WAIS indexing.  This gopher can be accessed
at, port 70.  From the main gopher menu, select
"BACKSERV."  In addition to the searchable archives of the BACKSERV
list, this section of the gopher provides access to back issue
dealers' catalogs in browsable and searchable formats.  Online order
and information request forms are included.  Once filled out, these
order forms are automatically emailed directly to the appropriate back
issue dealer.  Text copies of order forms are also available for
downloading and printing out.  To take full advantage of some of the
services available in the Readmore Gopher, you need a gopher plus
client.  Gopher plus clients are available for a variety of machines
and operating systems.  Talk to your systems personnel or check out
the gopher information at for more information.

BACKSERV is being hosted by Readmore, Inc.  The list administrators
are Marilyn Geller and Amira Aaron.  Please contact Marilyn (Email:; Phone: (617) 484-7379) or Amira (Email:; Phone (617) 860-7224) with questions, comments or
suggestions.  We would like to hear from you.

Carol Feustel                           email: carol.feustel@UC.EDU
Serials Specialist                      phone: 513-558-0179
Medical Center Libraries                fax:   513-558-1709
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 670574
231 Bethesda Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0574

Date: Fri, 08 Mar 1996 15:26:14 -0500
From: Carol Feustel <Carol.Feustel@UC.EDU>
Subject: BACKMED

Here is the information for Backmed:

                     BackMed - Welcome and Scope

                       PLEASE SAVE THIS MESSAGE

Welcome to BackMed, a list devoted exclusively to the informal
exchange of medical serial back issues and books among libraries.
BackMed is part of the general Backserv project and provides a
specific forum for the listing of both available and desired serial
issues and books in primarily medical subject areas.  Messages which
deal primarily with non-medical materials should be sent instead to
the Backserv list.  BackMed is not a forum for messages which discuss
the process of exchanging materials or the merits of various dealers
or exchange avenues.  These messages should be posted instead on

Each message sent to BackMed should list one or more issues or titles
which are either wanted or available.  Please do not include both
wanted and available titles on the same message.  The Subject line of
each message should include either the word WANTED or AVAILABLE.  This
should be followed by a general subject area as in the examples below:

        Subject:  WANTED - Oncology
        Subject:  AVAILABLE - Nursing

As a guide, messages should be kept to no more than 100 lines.  Please
include COMPLETE contact information in your message.  Do not include
the title(s) of your material in the subject line, as some mail
systems do not have a subject line available or show only a partial
subject line.

BackMed is not a moderated list.  It is meant purely as a
communication vehicle for librarians and library staff offering or
seeking back issues of serial titles or books.  You do not need to be
subscribed to the list to send messages.  Replies to messages should
be sent directly to the sender and NOT to the list.  Dealers and other
exchange organizations are welcome to monitor the list but are asked
not to send messages to BackMed at this time.  Individuals are free to
negotiate with dealers and to make monetary or other arrangements.  If
you do not wish to be contacted by a commercial organization, simply
indicate this in your original message.

To subscribe to this list, send a message to:

with no subject line that reads:

        subscribe backmed firstname lastname

To unsubscribe from this list, send a mesage to:

with no subject line that reads:

        unsubscribe backmed

To subscribe to the Backserv list, send a message to:

with no subject line that reads:

        subscribe backserv firstname lastname

The archives of BackMed are publicly available on the Readmore
webserver and gopher and are fully searchable using built-in WAIS
indexing.  The last 8 weeks of the archives are maintained online.
The archives may be accessed at the following URL:

(use the link to Backserv in the Electronic Services section)

The gopher can be accessed at:, port 70.  (From
the main gopher menu, select "Backserv".)  To take full advantage of
some of the services available in the Readmore Gopher, you need a
Gopher plus client.  Gopher plus clients are available for a variety
of machines and operating systems.  Talk to your systems personnel or
check out the gopher information at for more

As part of the Backserv/BackMed project, catalogs of back issues
dealers, publishers and exchange organizations are available at the
same location as the list archives.  These catalogs are presented in
both browsable and searchable formats.  Online order and inquiry forms
are included; once filled out, these forms are automatically emailed
directly to the appropriate organization.  Text copies of order forms
are also available for downloading and printing out.

BackMed is being hosted by Readmore, Inc.  The list administrators are
Marilyn Geller and Amira Aaron.  Please contact Marilyn (Email:; Phone: (617) 484-7379) or Amira (Email:; Phone: (617) 860-7224) with questions, comments or
suggestions.  Or you can leave a message for us at 1-800-221-3306.  We
would like to hear from you.

Carol Feustel                           email: carol.feustel@UC.EDU
Serials Specialist                      phone: 513-558-0179
Medical Center Libraries                fax:   513-558-1709
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 670574
231 Bethesda Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0574