Re: Volume Statistics (Bill Benson) Marcia Tuttle 12 Mar 1996 19:02 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 08:29:05 -0500
From: Bill Benson <bensonwo@WL.WPAFB.AF.MIL>
Subject: Re: Volume Statistics (Joe Orth)


The attached may be of some use.  It is taken from the Air Force Manual on
"Management of Records" (AFMAN 37-123, Attachment 3,  Aug 31, 1994).  In
addition, our Library has decided to count 50 microfiche to the inch with
envelopes, and 100 to the inch without envelopes.  (We have thousands of
microfiche.)  After counting 14,000 bound volumes as we moved them to storage,
I also came up with 20.15 bound journal volumes per 3 foot shelf.  Of course,
this depends a bit on the subjects one collects. Ours are mostly in science and
technology.  The Bowker Annual may also provide some information.

Bill Benson, Serials Librarian, Wright Laboratory Technical Library


                        Table A3.1.  Measurement Equivalents.

Calculate or estimate cubic feet volume according to the following cubic foot

Filing Cabinets:        One letter-size drawer = 1 6/12 cubic feet
                One legal-size drawer = 2 cubic feet

Filing Cases:   One 3- by 5-inch case = 1/12 cubic foot
                One 4- by 6-inch case = 3/12 cubic foot
                One 5- by 8-inch case = 3/12 cubic foot

Shelf Files:    Letter-size, 1 linear foot = 10/12 cubic foot
                Legal-size, 1 linear foot = 1 cubic foot

Machines Runs:  15 by 11 inches, 10-inch thickness = 1 cubic foot
                8 6/12 by 11 inches, 18-inch thickness = 1 cubic foot
                8 6/12 by 5 6/12 inches, 38-inch thickness = 1 cubic foot

Tabulating Cards:  10,000 cards = 1 cubic foot

Records in Outsize Equipment and Records Not Filed in Containers: Multiply
length by width by height (inches), then divide by 1,728 to get cubic footage.

Microform:      100             16mm reels (100 feet) = 1 cubic foot
                50              35mm reels (100 feet) = 1 cubic foot
                12              inches microfiche = 2/12 cubic foot
                72              inches microfiche = 1 cubic foot
                10,000          microfiche = 1 cubic foot

Magnetic Tapes:  7 reels = 1 cubic foot; or base measurement on following where

Reel Size:

        1/4 inch by 7 inches by 1800 feet       36 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/4 inch by 7 inches by 3600 feet       36 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/2 inch by 10-1/2 inches by 3600 feet  13 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/2 inch by 10-1/2 inches by 2400 feet  13 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/2 inch by 14 inches by 9200 feet      8 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/2 inch by 1/2 inch by 4600 feet       13 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/4 inch by 10-1/2 inches by 3600 feet  17 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/4 inch by 7 inches by 1200 feet       36 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1 inch by 14 inches by 9200 feet        5 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1 inch by 12-1/2 inches by 7200 feet    6 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1/2 inch by 14 inches by 7200 feet      10 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1 inch by 10 inches by 5000 feet        11 reels = 1 cubic foot
        1 inch by 14 inches by 10,200 feet      5 reels = 1 cubic foot

Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter Tapes:

        4 inches by 4 inches by 1 inch  108 reels = 1 cubic foot

Still Pictures:

Negatives:      2300    35mm 6 exposure strips= 1 cubic foot
                8640    2- by 2-inch mounted slides= 1 cubic foot
                2184    4- by 5-inch film sheets= 1 cubic foot
                5960    2 1/4- by 3 1/4-inch film sheets= 1 cubic foot

Prints:         2350    8- by 10-inch glossies or contact sheets= 1 cubic foot
                9400    4- by 5-inch glossies= 1 cubic foot

Motion Pictures:        6       35mm reels (1000 feet)= 1 cubic foot
                11      16mm reels (1200 feet)= 1 cubic foot
                15      16mm reels (800 feet)= 1 cubic foot
                32      16mm reels (400 feet)= 1 cubic foot

Sound Recordings:       76      16-inch disc recordings= 1 cubic foot
                144     12-inch disc recordings= 1 cubic foot
                48      7-inch audiotape reels= 1 cubic foot
                16      10-inch audiotape reels= 1 cubic foot

Video Recordings:       10      3/4-inch cassettes      = 1 cubic foot
                3       2-inch reels    = 1 cubic foot
                9       1-inch reels    = 1 cubic foot
                43      1/2-inch reels  = 1 cubic foot
                192     8mm cassettes   = 1 cubic foot
                24      1/2-inch Beta/VHS cassettes     = 1 cubic foot

Electronic Recordkeeping:
                                        CUBIC INCHES    CUBIC FEET

Cassettes (4 inches by 2 1/2 inches by 5/16 inch):

        1       4 by 2.5 by .3125               =       3.125   ---
        100     4 by 2.5 by 31.25               =       312.5   .18
        300     4 by 2.5 by 93.75               =       937.5   .54
        500     4 by 2.5 by 156.25              =       1562.5  .90
        600     4 by 2.5 by 187.5               =       1875    1.00

Floppy Discs:  8-inch disc:

        10      8 by 8 by 1 3/4 inches          112     .06
        100     8 by 8 by 17 1/2 inches         1120    .65
        130     8 by 8 by 22 3/4 inches         1456    .84
        150     8 by 8 by 26 1/4 inches         1680    .97
        160     8 by 8 by 28 inches                     1792    1.00

Floppy Discs:    5 1/2 inch disc:

        10      5 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 1 3/4 inches          52      .03
        100     5 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 17 1/2 inches         529     .31
        150     5 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 26 1/4 inches         794     .46
        300     5 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 52 1/2 inches         1588    .92
        330     5 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 57 3/4 inches         1747    1.00

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