Title change "consciousness raising" (Regina Reynolds) Marcia Tuttle 15 Mar 1996 14:18 UTC

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Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 09:00:21 -0500
From: Regina R. Reynolds <rrey@LOC.GOV>
Subject: Title change "consciousness raising"

Thank you, Mitch!  Times three!  My first thank you to Mitch is for giving
me an opportunity to publicly thank Mitch Turitz for his unflagging
endorsements of the ISSN and his valuable referrals of serialists and
publishers to NSDP via this list and via letters such as his recent title
change letter.

The second thank you is for that great letter!  The letter makes an
excellent case to publishers for only changing titles when it's absolutely
necessary.  Third, thanks for inspiring the following idea: given the ease
of sending a form letter by e-mail, and given that more publishers have
e-mail addresses, how about a campaign to send letters modelled on Mitch's
to publishers who have just made unnecessary title changes?  I know we are
all over-worked and under-staffed, but even a few letters from lots of
serialists might make an impact on an area where publisher education is
much needed.

How about it?

Regina Reynolds
Head, National Serials Data Program
Library of Congress