Re: Missing issues for COMMUNITY & JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES (Sharon Tobin) Marcia Tuttle 19 Mar 1996 15:55 UTC

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Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 09:17:28 CST
Subject: Re: Missing issues for COMMUNITY & JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES

Community & Junior College Libraries is published by Haworth Press.
This publisher seems to publish volumes "at will" (not just for the
above title, but all that they publish).  Sometimes we
receive 3 volumes in one year for a title, then receive no volumes
for several years, then one volume per year, etc., etc., etc.,

Re:  Community & Junior Colleges.  The following is a yearly
breakdown re the above title:

1987 - Volume 5, number 1
1988 - Volume 5, number 2, Volume 6, number 1
1989 - nothing
1990 - nothing
1991 - Volume 7, numbers 1 & 2
1992 - In April, Haworth sent notice that Volume 8, number 1 was due
       to be published in September 1993
1993 - nothing
1994 - notification from agent that Volume 8, number 1 was due July
1995 - nothing
1996 - In January of this year, we had a request from a patron with a
       citation indicating Volume 8, number 1 has been published, but
       we have not received it as yet!

Good luck!  Let's hope we all receive it soon!