J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997 (8 messages) Birdie MacLennan 29 Jan 1998 17:21 UTC

8 messages, 197 lines:

Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 09:08:02 -0600
From:         Carol Green <Carol.Green@USM.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997


Here's the response I FINALLY received from the publisher:
  Vol. 36:6 was a promotional issue free to new subscribers
  and was not part of institutional subscriptions.  Because of
  US Postal Service regulations it must be included in the vol.,
  issue and page numbering.

We received the 9 regularly scheduled  issues but were told
we would not get 36:6.  They never even offered to sell it to us.

Carol D. Green
Serials Librarian
University Libraries
The University of Southern Mississippi
Box 5053
Hattiesburg, MS  39406-5053
(601)266-4476   (601)266-6033 fax
<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 11:38:09 -0500

Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 08:45:42 -0600
From:         Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997

Cofrin Library, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, subscribes to this title
and received the issue in question as part of their regular subscription
year, without claims or paying extra.

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library

Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:15:56 -0600
From:         Michal Ann Bader <BADERM@CEDARNET.CEDARVILLE.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997


I found out about issue #6 through the listserv.  I then brought it to the
attention of our subscription agent and they verified that it was an extra
charge.  My boss opted not to get it.  I also got the ad from Slack.  I
think the whole thing stinks too.

Michal Bader

Michal Ann Bader
Cedarville College Centennial Library
Periodicals Room
Cedarville, OH  45314


Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:15:56 -0600
From:         Judy Stubbs <justubbs@ORU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997

We have experienced the same frustration with this title/issue.  To make
matters worse, the photocopied issue they are offering is bound.  Since
this is a title we bind by volume, we have to pay extra to have the issue
stripped of its binding in order to include it within v.36 for binding.

I think the publisher should have been more upfront with their subscribers.
 It takes time to claim, call your vendor, etc.

Judith A. Stubbs
Oral Roberts University
Assistant Director
Library Technical Services

Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 07:47:54 -0600
From:         Joe Edelen <jedelen@SUNBURST.USD.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997
Comments: To: "Anne C. Bunting" <ABUNTING@utmem1.utmem.edu>

As a matter of fact I have in front of me an invoice from Faxon for just
that issue, $16.  On top of that they charged us $14.30 service charge
just to bill us for that issue.

Joe Edelen
Univ of South Dakota

Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 07:18:51 -0600
From:         Mary Grace Sirone <msirone@SELU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997

This issue was not included with our subscription.  Since we have this
title through Faxon, they notified us and we had to let them know if we
wanted to receive it or not.


   Mary Grace Sirone
   Sims Memorial Library                        Phone:  (504)549-5076
   Acquisitions Department                      FAX:    (504)549-3492
   SLU 896                                      email:  msirone@selu.edu
   Hammond, LA  70402


Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 07:47:34 -0500
From:         Deborah Harrell <dharrell@WESTGA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997

We "found out" about the special #6 when we received #7.  I contacted the
publisher twice and finally got the message that we would have to purchase
#6 because it wasn't part of the subscription.  I forwarded that message
on to our subscription agent, who then ordered the issue for us.  Yes, we
had to pay an additional fee.

Personally I believe this is underhanded and "slick" of the publisher, but
remember who the publisher is!  Slack has never been one of the "good
guys"--billing is always erratic.  I rank them right down there with
titles handled by Neodata/Boulder Colorado.


Debbie Harrell
Ingram Library, State University of West Georgia
phone: 770-836-6498
fax: 770-836-6626

Date:         Thu, 29 Jan 1998 07:24:59 -0500
From:         "Bobbye L. McCarter" <blm@CANES.GSW.PEACHNET.EDU>
Subject:      Re: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997

Agree with your reasoning.  We subscribe through Faxon and were sent a
notification about this special issue and were to check and return the form
if we wished to purchase this special issue.  For this reason, we had no
problems but you are right that if such an issue is to be published in the
regular numbering of things then it should be a part of the subscription or
a notification should be sent to all subscribers about the inclusion of this
special issue and the separate charge - sent by the publisher.  Given the
problems this situation created and the bad feelings it has generated, I
would hope the publishers would have learned not to do this again or at
least to handle it differently if they do decide to repeat this "offense"

B. McCarter, blm@canes.gsw.peachnet.edu
James Earl Carter Library
Georgia Southwestern State University
Americus, GA  31709

At 10:26 PM 1/28/98 Anne C. Bunting <ABUNTING@utmem1.utmem.edu> wrote:

>Subject: J Nursing Education v.36 #6, 1997
>We have had a bad experience with this journal. I have sent e-mails to the
>publisher and to the journal editor, Christine A. Tanner, concerning a
>problem they have created for libraries.
>A subscription to this journal has always covered 9 issues since they do
>not normally publish during June, July, and August.  We got all of our
>issues for 1997 except we are missing #6.  Since this # was in the middle
>of the year and within the yearly num bering, we claimed the issue.  We
>were then told it was an special issue and we would have to pay $16.00 for
>it.  This special issue continues the numbering of #5. #7 picks up the
>following numbers. We did not know this was a special issue until we
>claime d it.
>Today we received a letter from SLACK, INC. stating that issue #6 was in
>such demand that they ran out of copies and will now sell us a photocopy
>of the issue for $10.00 instead of $16.00.
>I wonder if individual subscribers had to pay extra for this issue or if
>they got it with their subscription.  If they had to pay extra to get it,
>how were they notified that they had to do this.
>If anyone has any pull with the editor or anyone on the editorial board, I
>would appreciate your calling this to their attention.  We don't mind
>paying more for the journal, but all the issues should be included in the
>subscription price or a special issu e that is not included should not be
>introduced in the middle of a numbering sequence.
>  Anne C. Bunting <ABUNTING@utmem1.utmem.edu>