Virginia Library Assn. Paraprof. Forum, 1998 Conference Bridget Clark 02 Feb 1998 19:41 UTC

        The Virginia Library Association Paraprofessional Forum
announces its sixth annual two-day conference to be held at the
University of Richmond in Richmond, Virginia on May 18-19, 1998.

        "Making a Difference: A Shared Responsibility" is the
theme of the conference which will present a program to enhance
the professional development of paraprofessionals and will provide
twenty-four (24) workshops, presentations and panels, nine (9)
roundtables and ample networking opportunities.  The Forum is
pleased to announce that Will Manley and Gene Kinnaly will be
keynote speakers.  Session topics include Copyright Issues and the
Internet, Dealing with Difficult People, Grant Writing for
Paraprofessionals, Basics of Book Preservation, Effective Displays
and several computer workshops.  A Sunday evening picnic, Monday's
tee-shirt social, and the Special Buffet luncheon and Extra-Ordinary
Afternoon Session featuring Will Manley on Tuesday are some of the
special events planned.

        Mark your calendars now and plan to join us in May 1998 at
the University of Richmond.  Together we can and will share ideas to
"make a difference!"

        For more information, please contact Mary Fran Nash or Lydia
Williams, Co-chairs, at the addresses listed below.

Mary Fran Nash                        Lydia Williams
Longwood College Library              Longwood College Library
Longwood College                      Longwood College
Farmville, VA  23909-1897             Farmville, VA  23909-1897
(804) 395-2450                        (804) 395-2432
(804) 395-2453 (FAX)                  (804) 395-2453 (FAX)      
 Bridget Clark                        Phone#: (804) 395-2447
 1998 VLAPF Secretary                 FAX#: (804) 395-2453
 Acquisitions                         EMail:

 Longwood College Library
 Redford & Pine Streets
 Farmville, VA  23909-1897