Re: Preparing for a new system Brad Coon 25 Feb 1998 19:04 UTC

We are in your shoes now.  We began planning our changeover
to Horizons over 6 months ago and we are hoping to be
ready to go in July for the changeover.  Learn everything
you can about the new system.  Be prepared to think in new
ways, i.e. you won't be able to do things the same way.
Be open, change is coming, hating it won't help.  If
possible, go to another library already using your new system
and let them walk you through procedures.  Keep your staff
involved.  We put up a web-page with restricted access where
we could put up questions and the answers as we learn them.
Stay positive, some things will be for the better!
Just my 2 cents,
Brad Coon

"Do'netyokit su do'sa'na'kit." (Live boldly but wisely.)
        Nowan proverb