HK Journal Survey/Catchword (Lynn Marshall) Stephen Clark 26 Feb 1998 15:23 UTC

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 20:44:51 -0600
From: Lynn Marshall <lynnm@MAIL.HKUSA.COM>
Subject: HK Journal Survey/Catchword

Dear Serialst,
I would like to thank you for the terrific response to my Electronic Journal
Survey, and I would also like to let you know that if you sent me a message
requesting the survey, or if you sent me a completed survey via email between
Feb 21 - Feb 24, I never received your message; our server was down during this
time. I have responded to every message I received, so if you did not receive a
response, I never received your message. If you have a chance to send it again,
that would be terrific.
I would also appreciate hearing from anyone who has worked with a company called
Catchword, and it's Real Page software in their electronic journal programs. I
am just looking for general impressions, and any comments you would care to
make. I would be glad to summarize any responses received if anyone is

Thanks again for the great response to the survey, and for all of the friendly
greetings I have received.

Lynn D. Marshall
Information Specialist
Human Kinetics Publishers
1607 N. Market St.
Champaign, IL 61825-5076
(217) 351-5076 ex 2401
Fax: (217) 351-2674