Re: Preparing for a new system (Jeanette Skwor) Stephen Clark 26 Feb 1998 16:37 UTC

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Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 09:45:54 -0600
Subject: Re: Preparing for a new system

***Thanks to all for the responses I've received so far.  One thing I did
not make clear--we have not yet chosen the new system.  All we know at this
point is that there will be a changeover, and it will probably happen
within the next year.  What I've been asked to think about is things that
we may want to do/clean up in preparation for that decision.

***Meanwhile, I'm filing your posts to refer to when the time comes!

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library
UW-Green Bay

> You have a roller-coaster ride ahead!  The most important thing to
> do, IMHO, is to work with your systems guru and the new vendor's
> serials trainer to map your serials data in NOTIS from that system to
> its destination in your new system.  Invariably, some data will either
> have no place to reside in the new system or it will end up in an
> inappropriate place in the new database.
> The next most important thing is to have everyone understand that there
> will be a steep learning curve and beaucoup toil necessary to make the
> system work for you.   Good luck--as on most coasters you
> will come through it all o.k. at the end.
> Diane M. Lewis, Serial Records   phone:  (703)648-4399
> & Exchange Librarian             fax:    (703)648-6373
> U.S. Geological Survey Library
> National Center--MS 950
> Reston, Virginia  20192
> "If you want peace, work for justice."--Pope Paul VI