Re: dispersal of serials responsibilities (Deborah Harrell) Stephen Clark 26 Feb 1998 21:29 UTC

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Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 15:16:14 -0500
From: Deborah Harrell <dharrell@WESTGA.EDU>
Subject: Re: dispersal of serials responsibilities

> 1. How many serials librarians does your library have, what are their
> duties (ie: acquisitions-cataloging or other) and  what are their job
> titles? Do they share in weekend and evening shifts typically?

Our "serials" librarian holds the title "Acquistions Librarian" because
she wears both hats.  She does work the reference desk and weekends in the

> 2. To what extent do parapros absorb serials work at your

We have two parapros that do "receipt" work plus one (at Circulation) who
handles the "maintenance".  I receive the orders (to be placed) from the
Acq. librn, place the orders, pay the bills, set up all computer records,
claim non-receipts, and then share checkin of new issues with another
parapro who basically handles microform orders and backfiles.

> Students? What is the ratio of professional to parapro in the serials (or
> tech services) department?

I could not do my job without my two student workers.  They work 20-25
hours per week.
> 3. How big is your library? If academic, about how many students attend?
> Are there serials librarians at any of the 'branches', or only the main
> facility?

We subscribe to approx 1400 current paper titles plus approx 250 mfm
titles, and maintain up-to-date records on between 4-5000 different
> 4. Since I presently work in the reserves area of circulation, I feel I
> may be missing essential experience that would help me get my 1st
> professional position as a serials librarian (hands on use of  OCLC, for
> example). Do you have any advise for how I can refine my preparation?
We have another librarian that works in Cataloging that creats our OCLC
bib records for our serials.  Because the acq librn has so many hats, she
couldn't possibly do the cataloging as well.

Good luck!

Debbie Harrell
Irvine S. Ingram Library
State University of West Georgia
770/836-6626 (fax)