ALCTS/LITA Metadata Institute, May 4-5, 1998 Elizabeth Cooper 05 Feb 1998 16:16 UTC

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Co-sponsored by the Association for Library Collections & Technical
Services (ALCTS) and the Library and Information Technology Association

Georgetown University Conference Center
Washington, D.C., May 4-5, 1998

Part of the challenge of building digital libraries is developing the
metadata infrastructure needed to manage, maintain, and deliver digital
materials. Metadata for the digital library encompasses not only
traditional cataloging information, but also all of the information
necessary to construct, preserve, and control the access to and
presentation of digital content.  This institute brings together experts
in the metadata and digital library fields to present the latest
developments, standards, and tools, and to explore the impact of digital
library development on our existing catalogs and processes.

To become familiar with the classes of metadata in the digital library,
their functions, and relationships between them; to become familiar with
prominent metadata standards, their development and applications; to gain
a context for local decisions about digital library development.

Library managers and staff who are or will be involved in planning the
control of digital library materials.

Faculty includes:

William Y. Arms, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Priscilla Caplan, Assistant Director for Systems in the University
          of Chicago  Library; Co-chair NISO Standards Development
Rebecca Guenther, MARC Standards Specialist, Network Development &
          MARC Standards Office, Library of  Congress
Ben Kessler, Director, Slide and Photograph Collections, Princeton
Carl Lagoze, Project Leader, Digital Library Research Group, Computer
          Science Department, Cornell University
Clifford Lynch, Director, Coalition for Networked Information
Carol Mandel, Deputy University Librarian, Columbia University
Douglas Nebert, National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Coordinator,
          Federal Geographic Data Committee
John Perkins, Executive Director, CIMI, Tantallon,
          Nova Scotia, Canada
Daniel Pitti, Project Director, Institute for Advanced Technology in the
          Humanities, University of Virginia
David Seaman, Director of Electronic Texts, University of Virginia
Donald J. Waters, Director, Digital Library Federation, Council on Library
         and Information Resources
Stuart Weibel, Senior Research Scientist, Office of Research
         and Special Projects, OCLC.

Tentative Program Outline

Monday, May 4, 1998

8:00-9:00        Registration and continental breakfast
9:00-9:15        Welcome and introduction
9:15-10:00       Keynote - Clifford Lynch
10:00-10:30      Break
10:30-11:15      The Warwick Framework: Managing Chaos
                         through Containment/ Carl Lagoze
11:15-12:00      Structural Metadata, Encapsulation, and as
                         Few Standards as Possible/ William Arms
12:00-1:30       Lunch (on your own)
1:30-2:30        "I know it's out there, but where?"  Problems
                         and prospects of discovery and retrieval in
                         digital libraries / Don Waters
2:30-3:00        Break
3:00-4:00        Manifestations of Cataloging in the Era of
                          Metadata /Carol  Mandel
4:00-5:00        A standards primer: organizations and processes for
                           metadata standards development / Priscilla Caplan

Tuesday, May, 5, 1998

8:30-8:45       Introduction
8:45-10:15      Intellectual/descriptive metadata standards initiatives
                       (Part 1):
                  MARC: Rebecca Guenther
                  Geospatial data: Douglas Nebert
                  Visual Resources Association (VRA) (TBA)
                  Core Categories: Ben Kessler
                  Coalition for the Interchange of Museum Information (CIMI)
10:15-10:45     Break
10:45-12:15     Intellectual/descriptive metadata standards initiatives
                       (Part 2):
                  Encoded Archival Description (EAD): Daniel Pitti
                  Text-Encoding Initiative: David Seaman
                  Dublin Core: Stuart Weibel
12:15-1:15       Lunch (on your own)
1:15-2:45        Panel discussion with all the representatives of
                   intellectual/descriptive metadata standards initiatives
                   (Robin  Wendler, moderator)
2:45-3:00         Wrap-up and farewell


The institute will take place at the Georgetown University Conference
Center, 3800 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC.  A block of rooms has
been reserved at the Conference Center for the ALCTS/LITA institute
attendees at the special conference rate of $129/single, $139/double.
Please make hotel reservations directly, and be sure to specify that you
are with the ALCTS/LITA Metadata Institute.  Phone (202) 687-3200 to
reserve your space today.  The deadline for hotel reservations is April 3,


Complete registration form and mail it with payment to: Metadata
Institute, LITA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, fax with payment
information to 312/280-3257, or contact Valerie Edmonds at 800/545-2433
ext. 4269, Or, visit our Web site,

Registration fees are $220 for ALCTS/LITA personal members, $275 for ALA
personal members, and $320 for non-ALA members. Registrations will be
accepted in order of receipt and must be received, faxed, or telephoned by
April 17, 1998. Cancellations will be accepted only until April 17, 1998
(subject to a $30 processing fee).  ALCTS/LITA reserve the right to cancel
the institute if there is insufficient registration or for other reasons.
Neither ALA nor any of its divisions is responsible for cancellation
charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies, or other losses incurred
due to to cancellation of the institute.

Check, money order, purchase order, or credit card charge must accompany
registration to reserve space at the institute. Make checks payable to the
American Library Association.  (Staff of member organizations cannot be
considered personal members.)

Need more information?  E-mail

Join ALA/ALCTS or ALA/LITA now and register at member rates!

__ Add ALCTS or LITA (circle one) to my ALA membership $45
         (ALA membership # ______________)
__ First-time membership in ALA ($50)
          and ALCTS ($45) or LITA  ($35)  $95/$85
__ Regular renewing membership in ALA ($100) and
          ALCTS or LITA ($45)  $145


__ ALCTS Personal Member $220

__ LITA Personal Member $220

__ ALA Personal Member $275
        (__________________ALA Membership # )

__ Non-ALA Member $320

__Late Registration Fee, after April 17, $30.


Payment Information
__ Check or Money Order __ Purchase Order __VISA __ Master Card
 __ American Express

Card Number/ Expiration Date

Signature (Signature required for all charges)

Name (please print)



Organization Address

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Preferred Mailing Address

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Telephone (Office) (Home)

E-mail Address

I will require ADA accommodation (describe)

Elizabeth Cooper
Deputy Executive Director
Library and Information Technology Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago  IL  60611-2795
(800) 545-2433 ext. 4268