ALCTS Preconference: Cataloging Electronic Serials Sandy Heft 06 Feb 1998 01:02 UTC

               ALCTS Serials Preconference at ALA

Jump Start: Theory and Practice for Cataloging Electronic Serials
An ALCTS Preconference
Washington DC, Friday, June 26, 1998


Attendees will learn both the philosophical and practical issues involved
in providing access to electronic serials through library catalogs.  They
will gain hands-on experience creating basic bibliographic records for
these items according to current national standards.


Technical services librarians, including already-experienced catalogers
and serials/acquisitions librarians with basic serials cataloging
knowledge who want to reach an improved understanding of the challenges of
cataloging e-serials.


        Pamela Simpson
        Pennsylvania State University
Pamela Simpson will present a talk on issues in cataloging philosophy and
policy for electronic journals. She will discuss the decision to include
remote resources in the catalog, the selection process, the relationship
between the library's web pages and its catalog, questions of workflow,
and some of the difficulties in cataloging these items.

        Regina Reynolds
        NSDP, Library of Congress
Regina Reynolds will discuss levels of cataloging for electronic serials,
metadata, existing standards such as the ISSN, and emerging standards such
as the URN, URC and DOI.  She will explore the potential impact of these
standards on the cataloging of electronic resources.  She will also
discuss preliminary results of her study of the cataloging potential of
publisher-supplied metadata, which was done by comparing preliminary
catalog records created from data supplied by publishers on the Web- based
ISSN application form with the same records after editing by serial

        Jean Hirons
        CONSER, Library of Congress
Jean Hirons will provide an update on the issues relating to seriality, as
covered in the paper she co-authored for the International Conference on
the Principles and Future Development of AACR.  She will discuss the
progress to date in incorporating changes into AACR2, specifically
addressing the change in definition of serial, how various cataloging
conventions for title changes will be applied, and the impact on ISSN and
legal publications.


In the afternoon, participants will be divided into four groups for
hands-on training in cataloging electronic serials. These concurrent
training sessions will be taught by Thomas Champagne, University of
Michigan; Les Hawkins, Library of Congress; Steve Shadle, University of
Washington; and Pamela Simpson, Pennsylvania State University. Topics will
include choosing the chief source, detailed explanations and practice with
MARC fields specific to electronic resources (especially 006, 007, and
856), particular difficulties encountered with alternative bundling
techniques and creative publishing patterns, how to create records using
either the one record approach or the two record approach, and subject
headings and classification.  In addition to handouts and exercises
covering individual fields, participants will have the opportunity to
catalog one or two items from start to finish. Note that familiarity with
rules and conventions for cataloging print serials will be assumed.


8:30am-9:15am           Registration/coffee
9:15am-9:25am           Welcome/announcements
9:25am-10:05am          Simpson presentation
10:05am-10:35am         Break
10:35am-11:20am         Reynolds presentation
11:20am-12:00noon       Hirons presentation
12:00noon-1:30pm        Lunch
1:30pm-3:00pm           Breakout concurrent training sessions, part 1
3:00pm-3:30pm           Break
3:30pm-5:00pm           Breakout concurrent training sessions, part 2


Registration information will be posted soon on the ALCTS Web Site at:

Or contact Yvonne McLean at:
        or: 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5032