Re: SERIALS TOOLS WAS: Re: Defining serials Mitch Turitz 10 Feb 1998 21:17 UTC

TO: The Editors of Serialst and Autocat:
  I thought this list of serials tools might be useful if you would please
post it.
-- Mitch

>Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 14:00:24 -0600 (CST)
>From: Theresa C Trawick <>
>To: Mitch Turitz <>
>Subject: Re: SERIALS TOOLS WAS: Re: Defining serials

>Thanks a heap! for responding.  Also-I agree that others on the list might
>be interested.
>Theresa C. Trawick            "Finish each day and be done with it ...
>Electronic Services Libn.      You have done what you could;
>Troy State University,
>Troy, Al.  36082              Some blunders and absurdities no doubt
>               crept in
>(334) 670-3265                 Forget them as soon as you can
>fax (334) 670-3955             Tomorrow is a new day;
>                              You shall begin it well and serenely."
>                               --Ralph Waldo Emerson
>On Thu, 5 Feb 1998, Mitch Turitz wrote:
>> Teresa:
>>   Actually, this is a good question to post to the list.  I would like to
>> forward your question and my response to the list (I can XXX out your name
>> if you don't want to appear in it).  Any way, I would recommend:
>> CONSER EDITING GUIDE  (LC) *THE most important book to have for serials
>> cataloging in my opinion*
>> SERIALS CATATALOGING HANDBOOK by Carol. L. H. Leong.  Chicago, American
>> Library Association, 1989.  ISBN 0-8389-0501-3
>> NOTES FOR SERIALS CATALOGING by Nancy Thomas and Rosanna O'Neil. Littleton,
>> CO, Libraries Unlimited 1986 ISBN: 0-87287-535-0 (new edition about to come
>> out by Beverly Geer)
>> And the following web sites (please excuse the HTML tagging - it was easier
>> for me to leave them in - as I just copied this out of my web page):
>> <dd><a href="">CONSER</a>:
>> Cooperative Program for Serials Cataloging</dd>
>> <dd><a href="">ISSN Home page (Library of
>> Congress)</a>: International Standard Serial Number</dd>
>> <dd><a href="">NASIG - the North
>> American Serials Interest Group</a></dd>
>> <dd><a href=""> Serials in Cyberspace</a>:
>> Collections, Resources, and Services, by Birdie MacLennan</dd>
>> <dd><a
>> href="">Tools
>> for Serials Catalogers</a>: A collection of userful sites and sources</dd>
>> <p><h3><i>Links to Cataloging & classification online
>> sources:</i></h3>
>> <dd><a href="">Cataloger's Reference
>> Shelf</a> : USMARC format, code lists, and cataloging manuals for
>> catalogers</dd>
>> <dd><a href="">Cataloging
>> Internet Resources</a> : A manual and practical guide, 2nd edition. Edited
>> by Nancy Olson </dd>
>> <dd><a href=""> InterCat </a> : the OCLC
>> Internet Cataloging Project's Catalog of Internet Resources
>> </dd>
>> recommending changes to the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules - conference
>> papers available on the web site </dd>
>> <dd><a href="">ISSN Home page (Library of
>> Congress)</a>: International Standard Serial Number</dd>
>> <dd><a href="">LC - the Library of Congress</a></dd>
>> <dd><a href="">the Library of
>> Congress <b>CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM</b></a> : Details about call numbers,
>> classification, etc.</dd>
>> <dd><a href="">USMARC Home Page</a> : The U.S.
>> <b>MA</b>chine-<b>R</b>eadable <b>C</b>ataloging details - if you don't
>> know what it is, <i>you don't want it!</i></dd>
>> <dd><a href="">Yahoo! -
>> Reference: Libraries</a>: WWW Search engine for Libraries</dd>
>> At 03:08 PM -0600 2/5/98, Theresa C. Trawick wrote:
>> >I have been following the thread about the definition of a serial.  Since
>> >I am not a serials librarian but someone in electronic services, who is
>> >"playing" serials librarian, I would greatly appreciate your advice on
>> >what the core collection of titles (tools) would be for a serials
>> >department, e.g., Conser Cataloging Manual, and how to obtain them.  I
>> >have ordered a copy of U.S. MARC Holdings Manual.  Your suggestion on the
>> >basic tools needed to catalog serials, other than the library system
>> >documentation and OCLC stuff, would be greatly appreciated.
>> >
>> >Theresa C. Trawick
>> >Electronic Services
>> >Troy State University
>> >Troy, Al.  36010

  _^_                                                 _^_
( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-( ___ )
 |   |                                               |   |
 |   |     Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian           |   |
 |   |     San Francisco State University Library    |   |
 |   |     Internet:                 |   |
 |   |           |   |
 |   |                                               |   |
( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-==-( ___ )
   V                                                   V
           Rule #1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
           Rule #2: It's ALL small stuff.