Re: one or more subn. agents (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 17 Feb 1998 22:04 UTC

3 messages, 79 lines:

Date:         Tue, 17 Feb 1998 10:54:37 EST
From:         Brad Coon <coon@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: two questions: one or more subn. agents & So. African subns.

Sanet Le Roux wrote:
> 1) What are your feelings regarding using only one subscription agent
> compared to using two or more. (Apologies if this has already been
> discussed.)

I admit to mixed feelings.  We have traditionally used two although
one has 95% of our orders.  It would make my life a lot more
convenient to only have one to deal with.  On the other hand,
our big supplier has been going through some changes and service
has slumped lately and we are very strongly tied to them.  I suspect
we will have to ride it out when a second strong supplier might
have given us something to fall back on.
just my 2 cents,
Brad Coon

"Do'netyokit su do'sa'na'kit." (Live boldly but wisely.)
        Nowan proverb

Date:         Tue, 17 Feb 1998 13:16:14 -0500
From:         Deborah Harrell <dharrell@WESTGA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: two questions: one or more subn. agents & So. African subns.
Comments: To: Sanet Le Roux <lerouxs@SANS.CO.ZA>

Many years ago, Ingram Library carried three vendors.  Then when one of
the vendors was bought out by one of the other two, we were down to two.
That was extremely complicated.  So we consolidated everything into one
vendor plus direct titles.

One vendor plus directs is certainly much easier to deal with as far as
accounts are concerned.


Debbie Harrell
Ingram Library, State University of West Georgia
phone: 770-836-6498
fax: 770-836-6626

Date:         Tue, 17 Feb 1998 14:05:11 -0600
From:         Jim Mumm <mummj@VMSB.CSD.MU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: one or more subn. agents

My feelings are that it depends on the nature of your library and the
vendors you want to use.  I don't think there is anything ethically
wrong with using multiple vendors, but it could get to be a bit
confusing if you have too many.  Also, you may be able to get a better
discount if you use one primary vendor, but that depends on a number of
factors including your size, the nature of your collection, the vendor,

Our library is an academic law library, so we primarily use a vendor who
specializes in law reviews.  We also use a major general vendor,
however, for some of the material our main vendor would either prefer to
not handle or that they cannot handle.

Hope this helps.
Jim Mumm
Acquisitions / Serials Librarian
Marquette University Law Library
Sensenbrenner Hall                        (414) 288-5351
P.O. Box 3137                        FAX: (414) 288-5914
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3137