Re: Donations policies for periodicals Roger McBride Mills 21 Feb 1998 07:35 UTC

also, you might want to suggest that the donor offer the magazines to the
local school system for use with programs or the salvation army etc. That
explanation has met with success with donors to my library.

Roger Mills
Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County
Charlotte, North Carolina

> On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, K. Convery <converyk@BOGART.DOWLING.EDU> wrote:
> > I am curious to know what policies other libraries have in place for
> > accepting periodical donations.  What do you accept, and do you have a
> > limit on how complete a volume or year you will take and add to the
> > collection.  Sometimes we get scattered issues of a title.  What to do so
> > as not to hurt the donors feelings if it doesn't meet the criteria? Thanks
> > for all responses.