Re: Acquisitions and receipt question Janet McKinney 23 Feb 1998 14:43 UTC

One thing you should consider is whether there is the possibility that
you'll ever be audited.  Auditors do not like the same person to order and
to receive; it's a checks-and-balances thing.  It gets even more complicated
when you add in invoice authorization-to-pay since auditors also do not like
the same person who orders to OK the payment of the invoice.  However, it's
very difficult to separate these tasks unless you have a large staff.

Janet McKinney
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Leon E. Bloch Law Library
University of Missouri-Kansas City

At 10:35 AM 2/20/98 -0500, Donna Bible wrote:
>I have two questions related to acquisitions and vendors.
>How do librarians traditionally separate acquisitions of serials from
>their receipt?  In our current situation our acquisitions staff member
>subscribes to an item, renews it and follows up on the subscription.
>Then our technical services librarian checks the journals in, claims
>outstanding issues and deals with the shelving, bindery and labeling.
>There is some dispute that now that we have an automated system both of
>these responsibilities should be handled by the same party.  Any
>discussion/suggestions on how these tasks are divided in your library
>would be appreciated, especially if you are working in an ILS
> Bible Donna <BibleD@DOAKS.ORG>