FWD:Harriman Review publication schedule (Jeff Steely) Stephen Clark 07 May 1998 16:09 UTC

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Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 10:55:23 -0500
From: Jeff Steely <Jeffrey_Steely@BAYLOR.EDU>
Subject: FWD:Harriman Review publication schedule


Jeff Steely
Baylor Libraries: Serials
On Thu, 7 May 1998, Jeff Steely wrote:

> Dear Dr. Ronald Meyer,
> > We just received Vol.10, no.3, Winter 1997.  Normally the no.3 issue is a fall issue.  Please confirm that there was no fall 1997 issue published or explain the numbering.
> > Thank you!
> > Sincerely,
> Jeff Steely
> Baylor Libraries: Serials

On 5/7/98, Ronald Meyer wrote:
The issue should have read fall 1997. There will be one more issue
numbered 1997. We're just behind schedule. Thanks. Ronald Meyer