CD-ROMs as computer files or serials Yves MAGIS 11 May 1998 08:33 UTC

Hi dear Serialisters

I think the problem has already been discussed but I have a question
regarding CD-ROM published like serials (or books).  In fact, now that we
migrated to Sirsi, we are considering all the cd-roms purchased, received
and given. We are going to catalog this medium in a better way than we did
before (like a retrospective catalog).  Some cd-roms supersede the print
serials we have and others not.  All cd-roms published with a frequency
(quarterly, annual, ...) are in fact serials.  How are you treating these
cd-roms ? Do you consider them as cd-roms (COM - Computer file format) or
as serials (SER- Serials format) ? First, are you treating the medium and
then the seriality or inversely the serial and then the medium ?  I think
that first is the medium and then the seriality ?  As we download notices
from from OCLC, LC, we apply AACR2, LCRI, USFormats, ... we'd like to hear
from you what is your practice in your library.  Any suggestions will very
helpful.  Thank you very much.  Yves Magis

Magis Yves
Serials librarian
Free University of Brussels