Re: CD-ROMs as computer files or serials (Crystal Graham) Marcia Tuttle 18 May 1998 11:39 UTC

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Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 16:38:29 -0700
From: Crystal Graham <cgraham@GORT.UCSD.EDU>
Subject: Re: CD-ROMs as computer files or serials

A serials-specific explanation for choice of workform is available at:

The gist of the current policy is that you look at the content rather
than the carrier to choose a workform.  Since the vast majority of the
serial CDs we receive contain text, the so-called serials workform is
appropriate (i.e., Type:a, Mat type:s).  An 007 field for the computer
file characteristics should be added.

Only those serials which meet the narrow definition of computer file stay
on that workform: programs, games, fonts, numeric data, computer-oriented
multimedia, and online systems or services.

In my library, we've only had one serial CD that falls into that category
under the new policy. That's the Eastgate quarterly, which is an
interactive multimedia "experience."  That belongs on the "computer file"
workform (Type:m, Bib lvl:s) with an 006 for the serials attributes
and an 007 for the computer file characteristics.

It's also possible to have serial CDs on other workforms if the content
warrants.  We've cataloged several serial atlases.  They go on the Maps
workform (Type:e, Bib lvl:s) with 006 for the serial attributes and an
007 for the computer file characteristics.

If you are an OCLC user who encounters a serial on the wrong format, you
may request a Type code change from OCLC.

Crystal Graham
Digital Information and Serials Cataloging
University of California, San Diego

On Mon, 11 May 1998, Yves MAGIS wrote:

> Hi dear Serialisters
> I think the problem has already been discussed but I have a question
> regarding CD-ROM published like serials (or books).  In fact, now that we
> migrated to Sirsi, we are considering all the cd-roms purchased, received
> and given. We are going to catalog this medium in a better way than we did
> before (like a retrospective catalog).  Some cd-roms supersede the print
> serials we have and others not.  All cd-roms published with a frequency
> (quarterly, annual, ...) are in fact serials.  How are you treating these
> cd-roms ? Do you consider them as cd-roms (COM - Computer file format) or
> as serials (SER- Serials format) ? First, are you treating the medium and
> then the seriality or inversely the serial and then the medium ?  I think
> that first is the medium and then the seriality ?  As we download notices
> from from OCLC, LC, we apply AACR2, LCRI, USFormats, ... we'd like to hear
> from you what is your practice in your library.  Any suggestions will very
> helpful.  Thank you very much.  Yves Magis
> Magis Yves
> Serials librarian
> Free University of Brussels
> e-mail: