ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group (Pamela Moffett padley) Marcia Tuttle 27 May 1998 18:42 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 11:33:29 -0700
From: Pamela Moffett Padley <padley@TIGER.CC.OXY.EDU>
Subject: ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group

  ==> ALCTS  Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group <==

       The Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group
      invites ALA Washington, D.C., Annual Conference participants
          to join us for facilitated roundtable discussions
                   on one of four timely topics:

        1. Coping with personnel issues resulting from reorganization

        2. Electronic journals: acquisition, organization, access

        3. Migrating to a new system

        4. Continuing education and training for all technical services

                ==>      ALA Annual Conference      <==
                        Sunday,  June 28,  1998
                           Grand Hyatt Hotel
                       Constitution Ballroom, C-E
                            4:30 - 5:30 pm

 Facilitators and recorders will be needed for each roundtable, and a
 request for volunteers will be distributed soon.  For more information,
 please contact either of the co-chairs at the addresses listed below.

 The Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group is
 participant-driven.  The topics selected for the 1998 Annual
 Conference were the most-requested topics suggested at the 1998 MidWinter
 Conference.  Participants are encouraged to suggest topics for future
 discussion group sessions.

          Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group
                       Co-Chairs, 1997-1998
 ---------------------------          ---------------------------
 Pamela Moffett Padley                Cheryl Kugler
 Catalog Librarian                    Head, Catalog Department
 Occidental College Library           UCI Libraries
 1600 Campus Road                     P.O. Box 19556
 Los Angeles, CA  90041-3314          Irvine, CA  92623-9556
 v)  213-259-2935                     v)  949-824-7643
 f)  213-341-4991                     f)  949-824-2059
 e)                   e)
 ---------------------------          ---------------------------