Business Week (2 messages) Stephen Clark 01 Jun 1998 16:06 UTC

2 messages:

Date:         Mon, 1 Jun 1998 08:52:45 -0700
Subject:      Re: Business Week (Muriel K. Godbout)
Content-Length: 147

The June 1 issue in #3580, it is on page 14.
#3559 is a combined issue Dec. 29, 1997-Jan 5, 1998
Hope this helps
Kathy Sweet

Date:         Mon, 1 Jun 1998 11:53:00 -0500
From:         Jennifer Bryant <JBryant@MAILBOX.UNE.EDU>
Subject:      Business Week (Muriel K. Godbout) -Reply
Content-Length: 1328

I can't tell you anything about the June issue because ours seems to
have wandered off, but I can tell you that #3559 is dated Dec 29,
1997/Jan 5, 1998 and says "1998 SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE" at the top.
Hope this helps a little.

Jennifer Bryant
University of New England
Biddeford, ME

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 10:19:21 +0000
From: mgodbout@HENRY.WELLS.EDU
Subject: Business Week

I have two  questions pertaining to Business Week.  We sent a claim
out for two missing issues and the returned claim checker advised us
to claim according to the exact date from now on.  Also, we received
the first issue for June and there is no number on the issue.  Does
anyone know if Business Week has dropped  its policy of numbering
each issue in favor of using only the date?

If this is the case, I am missing #3559 and I don't know if it is the
last issue in December, 1997, or the first issue in January, 1998, or
a combined issue of December/January.  Can anyone clarify these two
questions for me?  I may be overlooking the obvious, if so I

Thank you in advance.

Muriel K. Godbout
Serials Office
Wells College Library
Aurora, New York  13026

Tel: (315) 364-3355
Fax: (315) 364-3412