ALA Discussion Group Announcement (Karen Davis) Stephen Clark 03 Jun 1998 12:29 UTC

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Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 17:32:54 -0400
From: Karen Davis <libkjd@PANTHER.GSU.EDU>
Subject: ALA Discussion Group Announcement

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ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group

Saturday June 27, 1998 9:30am-11:00am
Holiday Inn Capitol Columbia S

Please join us for an informal but lively discussion of bibliographic
holding standards. An explanation of NISO's work in the area of
holdings (Z39.71) will also take place. Representatives from the
groups will take part:

NISO Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items Committee

MLA Standards Committee
(Leopoldo Montoya, Librarian for Collections and Technical Services,
Allegheny University of the Health Sciences)

An election for Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect will take place at the end of the
Nominations may be sent to Karen Davis or Martha Mason at the email
addresses listed below. Nominations will also be taken from the floor.
Nominees must be able to attend ALA conferences over the next two years.

Suggested topics for future discussion group meetings would be welcome.

Karen Davis (Chair)
Head, Monograph Catalog Unit
Wm. Russell Pullen Library
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA   30303-3202
Voice: (404) 651-2180
Fax: (404) 651-2508

Martha Dinwiddie Mason
Head, Cataloging Dept.
Thomas Cooper Library
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Voice: 803-777-7455
Fax: 803-777-6871