Call for Facilitators/Recorders: ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group (Pamela Moffett Padley) Stephen Clark 03 Jun 1998 12:30 UTC

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Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 15:08:03 -0700
From: Pamela Moffett Padley <padley@TIGER.CC.OXY.EDU>
Subject: Call for Facilitators/Recorders: ALCTS Creative Ideas in              Technical Services Discussion Group


The ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group seeks
volunteers to either facilitate roundtable discussions or serve as
recorders for each roundtable.  Here is an opportunity for ALA Annual
Conference attendees to be involved in an official capacity in an
energetic and stimulating discussion forum on timely and relevant issues,
and with a minimal time commitment.  Ideas and insights will be exchanged
on the four topics listed below.  Facilitators will keep the discussion
relevant and will be provided with "seed" questions to pose if the group
needs focus.  Recorders will take notes on the major discussion threads
and will submit the notes to the co-chairs at the end of the discussion

If you are interested in participating as either a facilitator or a
recorder, and you are available on Sunday, June 28, 1998, 4:15-5:45,
please reply at your earliest opportunity to either co-chair listed
below.  Your assignment will be confirmed prior to the conference, and
detailed guidelines and information about the discussion group will be
provided to you in advance.  The topics for the Annual conference are:

        1. Coping with personnel issues resulting from reorganization

        2. Electronic journals: acquisition, organization, access

        3. Migrating to a new system

        4. Continuing education and training for all technical services

We invite you to take an active role in creative exploration of the

              ==>      ALA Annual Conference      <==
                      Sunday,  June 28,  1998
                         Grand Hyatt Hotel
                     Constitution Ballroom, C-E
                            4:30 - 5:30 pm

          Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group
                       Co-Chairs, 1997-1998
 ---------------------------          ---------------------------
 Pamela Moffett Padley                Cheryl Kugler
 Catalog Librarian                    Head, Catalog Department
 Occidental College Library           UCI Libraries
 1600 Campus Road                     P.O. Box 19556
 Los Angeles, CA  90041-3314          Irvine, CA  92623-9556
 v)  213-259-2935                     v)  949-824-7643
 f)  213-341-4991                     f)  949-824-2059
 e)                   e)
 ---------------------------          ----------------------------