Microfilm Splicing Summary (C.D. Thompson) Stephen Clark 05 Jun 1998 20:33 UTC

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Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 13:00:12 -0700
From: "C. D. Thompson" <cathompson@UPS.EDU>
Subject: Microfilm Splicing Summary


I received 9 responses to my request for information on splicing reels of
microfilm together. It does appear to be a worth while project. I asked two
libraries what kind of trimming device they used. It seems the UMI product
Quick Splice Model 252 is a useful tool for trimming and splicing.

Looks like our library has a summer project ahead 8-)

Thank you to all the folks who answered my query. I have found the
information to be just what I was looking for. Posted below are the
responses I received.

Carmel Thompson
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA

From: Vickey Baumli <vbaumli@acad.nwmissouri.edu>
>We did that quite a few years ago-we employed student workers to perform
>the work.  For the most part they did a good job, altho we still find an
>occasional upside-down reel.  It goes pretty quickly, once you get the
>hang of it.  I suggest you keep some leaders (that you will be cutting
>off, I assume) in case you do make some goofs and I suggest you save
>some boxes, for the same reason.  It seems to me that the splicing tape
>is sort of expensive, but nearly as much as new cabinets (and space)
>would be.  Be sure to invest in the splicing tool, it saves lots of
>time. If you have any other questions I would be happy to help. Vickey
>Baumli, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO

>I can't tell you what the thing is called, but that sounds about right
>for the price-it has 2 sides and you use one side to cut the film-your
>blades will get dull and they can be sharpened but then there is a
>larger space, which takes a technique to get the film cut well-it is a
>mindless chore! :-) Vickey
>From: andersoa@southwestern.edu (Amy Anderson)
>Subject: Re: Microfilm Splicing (C.D. Thompson)
>Carmel, we have done this for at least 15 years off and on as staff were
>trained in the correct procedures and/or have time!  We have found this
>very valuable for space considerations, although realistically, it does
>weaken the film.  We have only 1,200 students, and no graduate programs, so
>the older film is not used much.  We have experienced no problems so far.
>We use film splicing tape and a film trimmer, and just tape new labels over
>the UMI boxes.
>If you need any more information, just e-mail me!  I'll be glad to try to

>I just dug out the box on our trimmer, and sure enough, it says "35mm
>splicer Unsprocketed Microfilm Model No. 252"  I am sure that we bought it
>from UMI many moons ago.  The name has worn off of the "trimmer" but you
>can sort of make out that it used to say microfilm splicer on the top.  We
>use this on both 16mm and 35mm film.  You need two different sizes of
>splicing tape if you have both sizes of film.

>From: Mary Ann Nesto <mnesto@wisdom.wsc.mass.edu>
>Organization: Westfield State College
>To: cathompson@ups.edu
>Subject: splicing
>       I have spliced microfilm for many years just using transparent tape.
>We unroll what will be the outer reel, splice the ender of no.1 to the
>leader of no.2.  Be sure to apply tape on both sides of the seam and
>trim edges completely. Reroll and you're done.  Actually it is a very
>satisfying activity to reduce 6 reels to 1!  There is special tape and a
>little machine to do this but it is really not necessary, especially if
>you are just joining the ends.
>Hope this helps.
>Mary Ann

>From: Pam Johns <pjohns@mail.gac.peachnet.edu>
>Subject: Re: Microfilm Splicing (C.D. Thompson)
>We did a rather large splicing project about 8 years ago. Our space in the
>library is very limited, so we really needed to try to conserve it wherever
>we could. Since microfilm cabinets take up so much space, we decided that
>splicing would help eliminate a number of reels of film, therefore creating
>additional space in the cabinets. It really helped us, and I don't think it
>made much of a difference to the students, that more than one year was on a
>One thing I would point out to you is that you don't need to put more than
>about 4 years on a reel. Some reels have almost no film on them, so the
>inclination is to put enough film on there to make it worthwhile! The
>problem is that it becomes less accessible if there are too many years per
>I hope this helps you in your decision. If you have more questions, please
>don't hesitate to email me.
>Pam Johns

>From: Promilla Bansal <pbansal@acfsysv.roosevelt.edu>
>Subject: FW: Microfilm Splicing (C.D. Thompson)
>We splice constantly and have bought only two cabinets in the past ten
years and those too for the newspapers since those could not be spliced. It
is cheap, can be done by a part-time student, and very effective. If you
want more information would be glad to talk to you
>Promilla Bansal
>Reference/Serials Librarian
>Roosevelt University Library
>430 S. Michigan Ave
>Chicago, IL 60605
>312 341 3643

>From: Bob Gimmi <rdg@ARK.SHIP.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Microfilm Splicing (C.D. Thompson)
>  We have been splicing reels of microfilm for more than 30 years and
>considerable shelving space has been saved. It certainly is a worthwhile
>  We use pre-cut splicing tape from Hudson Photographic Industries. It is
>supplied in rolls of 100 and 1600 pieces for 35 mm film. Our periodical
>assistant goes through the microfilm collection at least once a year
>looking for reels to be spliced. The actual splicing is done by students.
>  To make the splicing easy and neat we have two reel winders mounted on a
>wooden board measuring 1 x 3 feet, with a splicing block mounted between
>the winders. The splicing block makes precise cuts and alignments. Most of
>the leader is removed from all but the first reel of film being spliced.
>Foil-backed labels seem to work the best for relabeling the box containing
>the cumulation. We have found other types tend to fall off over time.
>Perhaps obvious, but remember:
>1. Splice in chronological order
>2. Keep the image orientation the same from reel-to-reel
>Please contact me if you have questions.

>From: Sharon Bingham <sbingham@alleg.edu>
>We splice our microfilm every year.  If you've priced microfilm
>cabinets lately, you know it's worthwhile.  During the summer the
>Circulation Department does the splicing, and in the fall I update
>our shelf-list and online catalog, as well as attaching new labels
>to the microfilm boxes reflecting their true contents.  We use a
>special microfilm tape that comes in little tabs, and attach indexes
>with the proper volumes (as opposed to the following one).

>From: "Victoria Swinney - Instr. Library" <vswinney@cameron.edu>
>Subject: Re: Microfilm Splicing (C.D. Thompson)
>We routinely splice up to 8 volumes or years of a journal onto a single
>reel of microfilm.  It certainly saves a great deal of space (our main
>concern) and as long as you also limit splicing to 2/3 of a reel it
>doesn't seem to cause problems with the microfilm readers.
>You do need a limit on the number of volumes per reel so that one patron
>doesn't have the entire run of a journal.

>From: Susan Markley <markley@UCIS.VILL.EDU>
>Subject: Re: FW: Microfilm Splicing (Promilla Bansal)
>Villanova University has been splicing microfilm for years and found it
>truly saves on space, however, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
>It requires staff strongly dedicated to detail work so reels do not get
>attached to the wrong title and your records do not get messed up.  At
>one point, we discovered that the student aides doing the splicing
>didn't always have the volumes in consecutive order or going in the same
>direction on the reel.  We now have the micro supervisor do all the
>If you keep detailed shelflist cards on what reels have been received
>(we do), then these must be updated everytime another volume has been
>added to the reel.  Also, the box the reel is kept in most also be
>relabeled each time a new volume is added to it. We have the staff and
>we worked out a great procedure with most of this work done on the
>evening shift.  If you want more details, feel free to call (610)