Librarian Position at Austin College (Larry Hardesty) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 11 Jun 1998 13:17 UTC

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 16:48:08 -0500
From: Larry Hardesty <lhardesty@AUSTINC.EDU>
Subject: Librarian Position at Austin College

The following position is available at Austin College.  Part of the
responsibilities of  this position include serials.  I apologize for
any inconvenience caused by duplication through cross posting to several

Larry Hardesty
College Librarian
Austin College
Sherman, Texas
903-813-2297 fax



Coordinator of Collection Management Librarian.  Austin College invites
applications for the following full-time permanent librarian position
beginning August 1998.  Responsibilities:  Oversight of acquisitions and
processing periodicals and government documents, and shared
responsibilities with other librarians for bibliographic instruction,
liaison with academic departments, and reference desk service, including
some weekends and evenings.  Other responsibilities as assigned.
Qualifications:  (Required) MLS from an ALA accredited program, strong
service orientation, and good oral/written communications skills;
(Desirable)  Two years of relevant experience, interest in and knowledge of
efficient procedures to make information in print and other formats
available to the academic community.  Salary:  Competitive with a minimum
of $28,500.  Librarians hold faculty status.  Review of applications to
begin July 10, 1998.  Applications will be accepted until the position is

Austin College is a selective coeducational residential college for 1,200
students located in Sherman, Texas, sixty miles north of Dallas.  The
institution maintains a convenant relationship with the Presbyterian Church
but welcomes its students and faculty from a wide range of religious and
philosophical backgrounds.  The majority of the students come from Texas
and neighboring states in the South and Southwest.

Austin College affirms the centrality of the liberal arts in its
educational program.  The College operates on a 4-1-4 academic calendar,
including 14-week Fall and Spring Terms and a 4-week January Term.
Students pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree and through a fifth year in the
Austin Teacher Program may also earn a Master of Arts degree in teacher
certification.  A modest summer school program enables students to take up
to two courses.  Austin College offers an attractive benefits package to
its faculty.  Funds are available to support faculty in career development
projects and in activities that enhance the College s academic program.

The Abell College Library Center is housed in an attractive twelve-year old
building.  The Library subscribes to a full array of electronic services,
including WilsonWeb, Britannica Online, Lexis-Nexis s Universe, Project
Muse, FirstSearch, MLA, IDEAL, and others.   It has a state-of-the-art
SIRSI integrated library system and an active bibliographic instruction
program.  The Library is a member of OCLC, AMIGOS, TexShare, TICUL, and the
Oberlin Library Group of Liberal Arts Colleges.  More information about
Austin College and Abell Library is available at

Candidates should send letter of application outlining philosophy of
library service at a liberal arts college, resume, undergraduate and
graduate transcripts, and three letters of reference to:

Dr. David Jordan
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Austin College
900 N. Grand Avenue
Sherman, TX 75090-4440

Larry Hardesty
College Librarian
Austin College
903-813-2490 Telephone
903-813-2297 Fax