schedule for ALA's Gay Lesbian Bisexual Task Force events in DC (Gary Klein) Stephen Clark 15 Jun 1998 16:00 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 08:22:05 -0700
From: "Gary Klein (bear-at-heart)" <gklein@WILLAMETTE.EDU>
Subject: schedule for ALA's Gay Lesbian Bisexual Task Force events in DC

     Here are the scheduled times & locations of the meetings, programs,
and social events sponsored by the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Task Force of ALA's
Social Responsiblities Round Table.

          PLEASE NOTE:

 - Saturday June 27 social gathering at 6pm is located at Howard University,
   and is not accessible on ALA's hotel bus routes.

 - GLBTF's popular READ ALOUD is scheduled on Sunday June 28 at 8pm!
   Bring a book, an article, an email posting, an excerpt from your diary,
   or you can just bring yourself, and listen to other people read out loud!

 - GLBTF's Book Awards/Breakfast on Monday June 29 requires a prepaid ticket.
             Tickets will not be sold at the door!
   If tickets are still available, they can be purchased from ALA's
   Meal Ticket Office for $40 for this fund raising event.

     A copy of the hotel codes is listed near the bottom.

     A more comprehensive explanation of GLBTF's function, stucture, and
a descriptions of the scheduled events is available from GLBTF's web page:


Fri 6/26  8pm-10pm    Steering Comm I       CHIL CONTINEN

(4 committees meeting at same time/room: Sat 6/27)
Sat 6/27  8am- 9:30am Ext. Rela. Comm       LWS GRND BR A
Sat 6/27  8am- 9:30am Fundraising Comm      LWS GRND BR A
Sat 6/27  8am- 9:30am Program Plan. Comm    LWS GRND BR A
Sat 6/27  8am- 9:30am Breakfast Plan. Comm  LWS GRND BR A

Sat 6/27  2pm- 4pm    Book Awards Comm      HEN ETON

Sat 6/27  2pm- 4pm    30th Anv. Plan. Comm  DZE FKLNSQR II

Sat 6/27  6pm- 8pm    Social Gathering      HOWARD UNV.
                    ** not on an ALA bus route
                    **   The School of Social Work
                    **   Howard University
                    **   601 Howard Place, NW Washington, DC
                    ** For more information visit:

Sun 6/28  8pm-10pm    Read-Aloud            RENW Rm 7

Mon 6/29  8am-10:15am Bokk Award Breakfast  LWS SOLARIUM
        ** tickets will not be sold at the door, but if
        ** seats are available, you can purchase tickets
        ** for $40 from ALA's Meal Ticket Office

Mon 6/29 11am-12:00pm Program               LWS GRND BR C
        "What Have You Done for Me Lately? Lesbian and Gay Youth Speak Out"

Mon 6/29  2pm- 4pm    Membership Meeting    HIC MAYORS I&II

Tue 6/30  8:30am-11am Steering Comm II      WCC Rm 21

SRRT Action Council 1  Sat 6/27 9:30am-11am     LWS GRND BR A
SRRT Action Council 2  Mon 6/29    2pm- 4pm     RAD NATL BR
SRRT Membership Mtg    Sun 6/28 11:30am-12:30pm HOC COLUMBIA S/N
SRRT Program           Sun 6/28    7pm-10pm     DBL CONSOLATE
        "Social Responsibilities Around the World"

3 programs co-sponsored by GLBTF
YALSA Program          Sun 6/28 9:30am- 11am
        "Down the Road from the Car Crash: Gay/Lesbian Books for
           a Post-Post-Stonewall Generation"

YALSA Program          Mon 6/29 8:30am-10:30am  WHIL INTL BR W
        "Tough Kids - Tough Times" : Gay Young Adult Literature focus"

YALSA Program          Mon 6/29   8pm- 11:00pm  WHIL INTL BR W
        "Risky Business: Selected Films & Videos for Teens on the Edge"

CHIL - Capital Hilton                  LWS  - Loews L'Enfant Plaza
DBL  - Doubletree Hotel                RAD  - Radisson Barcello
DZE  - Days Inn                        RENW - Renaissance Wash.
HEN  - Henley Park Hotel               WCC  - Wash. Conven. Center
HIC  - Holiday Inn Central             WHIL - Wash. Hilton & Towers
HOC  - Holiday Inn Capitol


GARY KLEIN, Management & Economics Librarian
Hatfield Library / Willamette University / Salem, OR 97301 USA    work #503-370-6743