Seeking Phone Number (C. D. Thompson) Stephen Clark 18 Jun 1998 20:33 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 11:49:52 -0700
From: "C. D. Thompson" <cathompson@UPS.EDU>
Subject: Seeking Phone Number


I am hoping one of you can help me. I am searching for contact information
for Microfilming Corporation of America. Can someone supply a phone number?

What we are specifically looking for is "Reminiscences of Richard Rodgers."
The information from the professor is that this is available on microfiche
from Meckler Publishing, Oral History Collection of Columbia. I did not
have any luck when I contacted them. Later, I found information that this
might be available from Microfilming Corporation of America. But, I have
been unsuccessful in locating contact information for them.


Carmel Thompson

University of Puget Sound
Library Periodicals   
1500 N Warner                           253-756-3617 phone
Tacoma, WA 98416                253-756-3670 fax