URL for presentation at NASIG (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 02 Jul 1998 18:57 UTC

Editor's Note:  FYI, the following question and answer (2 messages) is in
regard to Ellen Waite Franzen's plenary presentation, "It's Personal, It's
Digital and It's Serial: Trends That May Affect Higher Education,
Publishing and Libraries," which was presented on June 21, 1998 at the
13th Annual NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group) meeting, at the
University of Colorado, Boulder. -bml

2 messages: 55 lines:

Date:         Thu, 2 Jul 1998 10:14:46 -0500
From:         Jill Emery <libajxemery@DANZIG.TSU.EDU>
Subject:      Ellen Waite Franzen

Hello Everybody!

I was hoping someone could help me out. I have attempted to access the web
site that Ellen Waite Frazen mentioned in her Plenary session but have
been unable to do so. I have used the following address when trying to find
the site:


I keep getting the message that the URL cannot be found on the server.
Please let me know if I have the address incorrect.

Thanks for your help.

Jill Emery
Robert J. Terry Library
Texas Southern University

Date:    Thu, 02 Jul 1998 11:09:49 -0500 (CDT)
From:    Ann Ercelawn <ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
Subject: URL for presentation at NASIG


I found Ellen's presentation at:

/ Ann Ercelawn                       /  E-Mail:                        /
/ Original Cataloger                 /  ercelawn@library.vanderbilt.edu/
/ Cataloging / Resource Services     /  ercelaa@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu  /
/ Vanderbilt University Library      /                                 /
/ 419 21st Ave. So.                  /  Phone: (615) 343-2088          /
/ Nashville, TN 37240-0007           /  FAX : (615) 343-1292           /