Re: ISBN number change? Jay Harris 02 Jul 1998 20:22 UTC

Dear Mr. Thompson;

I have always thought a new or revised edition of a book would carry a
new ISBN number.
It is, after all, a different substantive work than the previous

Is this the conclusion of other SERIALST readers?

Sincerely yours,

Jay Harris

Jay Harris
Assistant Director for Collection Management
Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
1700 University Boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35294-0013
Phone:  205-934-2460     FAX:  205-934-3545
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Michael P. Thompson <> wrote:
> Please pardon me, as this was discussed before, but I never saw the
> conclusion. We are publishing a revised edition of a book. Does the
> ISBN stay the same, or does it need to change for the second edition?
> Thank you for your help.
> ******Michael P. Thompson******
> ****Director of Communications***
> ******