Re: ISBN number change? (Sophia Fragou) Marcia Tuttle 06 Jul 1998 13:00 UTC

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Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 09:11:35 +0300
From: Sophia Fragou <fragou@STAT5.CIVIL.AUTH.GR>
Subject: Re: ISBN number change?

Dear Mr. Thompson,

Since the content of your book has changed, no matter how much or little,
it is considered to be different from the previous edition. From this
point of view it is a new book and it should take a new ISBN.
Note that this does not happen when you just have new printing, where the
content remains the same.


Sophia Fragou
Site Librarian
Dept. of Civil Engineering Library
School of Technology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Michael P. Thompson wrote:

> Please pardon me, as this was discussed before, but I never saw the
> conclusion. We are publishing a revised edition of a book. Does the
> ISBN stay the same, or does it need to change for the second edition?
> Thank you for your help.
> ******Michael P. Thompson******
> ****Director of Communications***
> ******