Job posting (University of Delaware) Marcia Tuttle 07 Jul 1998 15:38 UTC

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Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:22:00 EDT
From: Alfina.Seelig@MVS.UDEL.EDU
Subject: job posting

POSTING:          Coordinator of Serials, Acquisitions Department

ENVIRONMENT:      The University of Delaware's attractive main campus is
located in a suburban community of 30,000 and is within easy reach of the
cultural resources of Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and Washington.  The
University of Delaware Library is comprised of the Morris Library and four
branch libraries.  The collections include over 2.2 million volumes and a
strong collection of electronic resources networked to the University and
remotely accessible to authorized off-campus users.  The University of
Delaware is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for
Research Libraries, PALINET, the Chesapeake Information and Research Library
Alliance (CIRLA), and the Coalition for Networked Information.  More
information about the University of Delaware may be found on its World Wide
Web home page at: or on the Library home page at

JOB DESCRIPTION:  Reports to the Head, Acquisitions Department, responsible
for the management and supervision of the Serials Unit, including hiring,
training, evaluation, etc. of seven support staff and student assistants.
Monitors serials expenditures and prepares management reports.  Unit
responsibilities include serial acquisitions, serials control, and serials
public service. The NOTIS integrated library system is used for serials

QUALIFICATIONS:   Required: ALA accredited master's degree and supervisory
experience.  Previous relevant experience with serials including automated
serials control and experience with an integrated library system.  Thorough
knowledge of the principles of serial management and of current and national
issues in the acquisitions and processing of serials.  Strong skills in
interpersonal relations, written and oral communication, and organization.
Ability to work effectively and cooperatively with personnel with diverse
requirements for information and support.  Preferred: Knowledge of and
experience with spreadsheet applications.  Familiarity with the World Wide Web
and html.

SALARY:           Rank and salary dependent upon experience and
qualifications.  Expect to hire at the Assistant Librarian level.  Minimum

BENEFITS:         Vacation of 22 working days.  Liberal sick leave.  Generous
flexible benefits program.  TIAA-CREF or Fidelity retirement with 11% of
salary contributed by the University.  Tuition remission for dependents and
course fee waiver for employee.

TO APPLY:         Send letter of application, current resume, and the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to Paul Anderson,
Assistant Director for Library Administrative Services, University of Delaware
Library, Newark, DE 19717-5267.  To ensure consideration applications should
be received by July 13, 1998.

The University of Delaware is an equal opportunity employer which encourages
applications from minority groups and women.