(Fwd) Journal without page numbers (Everett Allgood) Marcia Tuttle 10 Jul 1998 20:49 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 16:36:02 -0500
Subject: (Fwd) Journal without page numbers

This was forwarded to me earlier today, and I thought it may be of
interest to subscribers of this list.


Everett Allgood
Serials Cataloger
New York University Libraries
212 998 2488

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:34:54 -0700
Reply-to:      Visual Resources Association <VRA-L@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU>
From:          Susan Jane Williams <susan.j.williams@YALE.EDU>
Subject:       Journal without page numbers

This was sent to the Yale Library List.
The first paper journal that is published without page numbers
is now out ... in physics.  See the note below.
A new world of citations is about to begin ...

Physical Review D has switched from the traditional system in which
articles were identified by volume and page number to one that uses volume
and article number, beginning with the articles appearing in Volume 58.
This new system allows articles to be fully citable from the time that
they are published electronically, even though the issue in which they
will appear may not yet be completed.

In this system, each article is assigned a six-digit article number. The
algorithm for constructing these article numbers has been designed so as
to allow the numbers to be assigned at the time of electronic publication,
while at the same time preserving the usual ordering of articles by
article type and subject matter in the printed journal. In citing these
papers, the article number should be used instead of a page number; e.g.,
Phys.  Rev. D 58, 012013 (1998)

In the online version of the journal, articles can be accessed by going to
the Table of Contents for the appropriate issue (indicated by the first
two digits of the article number).  Articles are listed in the Table of
Contents according to increasing article number. Alternatively, if the
article number is known, one can use the Volume/Article Number search that
can be found on the home page just above the lists of Tables of Contents.

In the printed version of the journal, articles are placed in order of
increasing article number. Instead of page numbers, the article number
appears on the upper right hand corner of the page and one locates an
article much as one navigates a dictionary or encyclopedia.

Although there is no global page numbering, pages are numbered (bottom
center of the page) within each article (e.g., 012013-1, 012013-2,...).
The hyphen and additional digits should not be used when citing the

Although knowledge of the algorithm is not necessary for navigating the
journal, it may be of interest. The first two digits of the article number
correspond to the issue number and are determined by the date of
electronic publication and by whether the subject matter corresponds to D1
(odd-numbered issues) or D15 (even-numbered issues). The next two digits
are determined by the article type and subject. The last two digits are
assigned sequentially as articles in a given subject area are published
within an issue.

To determine the middle two digits, an article is placed in one of the
following categories and subcategories, generally by using the principal
PACS number.

D1 Categories:
     1 Experiment
      2 Electroweak interactions
     3A Strong interactions
     3B Lattice methods
      4 Beyond the standard model
      5 Field theory, general methods

D15 Categories:
       1 Experiment
      2A Astrophysics
       2B Cosmology
       3 General relativity, gravitation
       4 Field theory, formal particle theory
       5 String theory

The two-digit section number is then
       11 Rapid Communication, Category 1
      13 Rapid Communication, Category 2
       15 Rapid Communication, Category 3
       17 Rapid Communication, Category 4
       19 Rapid Communication, Category 5

       20 Regular Article, Category 1
       30 Regular Article, Category 2 [D1] or 2A [D15]
       35 Regular Article, Category 2B [D15 only]
       40 Regular Article, Category 3 [D15] or 3A [D1]
       45 Regular Article, Category 3B [D1 only]
       50 Regular Article, Category 4
       60 Regular Article, Category 5

       71 Brief Report, Category 1
       73 Brief Report, Category 2
       75 Brief Report, Category 3
       77 Brief Report, Category 4
       79 Brief Report, Category 5

      81 Comment, Category 1
       83 Comment, Category 2
       85 Comment, Category 3
       87 Comment, Category 4
       89 Comment, Category 5

       99 Errata