Re: Microfilm Splicer (Beth Guay) Marcia Tuttle 21 Jul 1998 20:49 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 16:39:10 -0400
From: Beth Guay <>
Subject: Re: Microfilm Splicer (Carmel Thompson)

I just cataloged the Micrographics year book, publ. by G.G. Baker in
the UK, and it's in hand. The 1998-1999 ed. lists only two splicer
models; "Solar tape splicer" and "Solar 16/35 splicer"; both available
from Solar Microfilm Equipment Ltd., 1 Laser Quay, Culpeper Close,
Medway City Estate, Rochester ME2 4HU
Tel: 01634 290099
Fax: 01634 290110
Hope this helps,
Beth Guay

On Tue, 21 Jul 1998 15:12:45 -0400 Marcia Tuttle <>

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 11:45:15 -0700
> From: "C. D. Thompson" <cathompson@UPS.EDU>
> Subject: Microfilm Splicer
> Hi All,
> A few months ago, I posted a message regarding doing a major microfilm
> splicing project. Our library has decided to condense our microfilm
> collection by splicing together small rolls of microfilm.
> We wanted to order the UMI product Quick-Splice Model 252 for 35mm
> microfilm to make this job a little easier. Well, it turns out UMI no
> longer carries this product. In fact, no one seems to carry this product
> nor any similar item.
> Besides trying an Internet search, I have checked the following sources:
> Alpha Information Management, Bell & Howell, Dataplex (authorized Kodak
> supplier), Hudson Photographic Industries & UMI.
> Does anyone have a supplier for this or a similar microfilm splicer? Or,
> does any library have a splicer they are no longer using and would be
> willing to sell?
> Thank You,
> Carmel Thompson
> University of Puget Sound
> Library Periodicals   
> 1500 N Warner                           253-756-3617 phone
> Tacoma, WA 98416                253-756-3670 fax

Beth Guay
Serials Cataloging Unit
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742

(301) 405-9329