ALCTS Cataloging Now! Institute Registration (Karen Muller) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 04 Aug 1998 02:24 UTC

Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 17:28:21 -0500
From: Karen Muller <kmuller@ALA.ORG>

Need to get more original cataloging done?  Do you want to learn about
the bibliographic community's new initiatives for creating and maintaining
quality cataloging that is both authoritative and cost-effective?  The
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has developed and is
introducing new "core standards" as a means of increasing the pool of
mutually acceptable records available for copy cataloging, so that
catalogers can use their time and expertise for original cataloging.  The
goal is increased quality cataloging records, rich enough in content to be
used with little or no local modification, yet reasonable enough to be
generated in greater numbers.

"Cataloging Now! An ALCTS Institute on the PCC Core Record" will be
presented three times this fall in cosponsorship with regional networks.
"Cataloging Now!" will be presented September 18, 1998, in Worcester,
Mass., in cooperation with NELINET; on October 22, 1998, in Dallas, Tex.,
in cooperation with AMIGOS; and on October 23, 1998, in Winston-Salem,
North Carolina, in cooperation with SOLINET.  A fourth presentation is
tentatively scheduled for April 16, 1999 in New York State.  ALCTS,
RUSA, and the PCC cosponsor the series of workshops.

The presenters will introduce the concept of the core record in a plenary
session, followed by separate breakout sessions for catalog librarians,
administrators, and public services librarians in separate breakout
sessions.  Catalog librarians will discuss the principles of creating core
records.  Administrators will be introduced to issues of management and
training of catalogers in this new environment.  Public services librarians
will consider the implications of core records available in OPACs.

Faculty are selected from a team of trainers and may include: Willy
Cromwell-Kessler, the Research Libraries Group, Mountain View, CA;
Kate Harcourt, Columbia University, New York; Colleen Hyslop, Michigan
State University, East Lansing; Michael Kaplan, Indiana University,
Bloomington; Glenn Patton, OCLC; Brian E.C. Schottlaender, University of
California, Los Angeles; Joan Schuitema, Loyola University (Chicago);
Sally Sinn, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Md.; Joan Swanekamp,
Chief Catalog Librarian, Yale University; or Beacher Wiggins, Library of

Costs vary by location; registration information is available from the
networks or from the ALCTS Office.  Contact Yvonne A. McLean,
800/545-2433 ext. 5032; or consult the ALCTS web at
-- Karen Muller
   Executive Director, LAMA/ALCTS
   50 E. Huron Street
   Chicago, IL 60611 USA
   800-545-2433 x5031
   312-280-5031 (direct line)
   fax: 312-280-5033