Effects of Internet (Lea delos Reyes) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 04 Aug 1998 13:30 UTC

Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 23:06:07 -0700
From: "Delos Reyes, Lea" <L.DELOS-REYES@CGNET.COM>
Subject: Effects of Internet

**Please reply directly to Lea, not to SERIALST. Thanks -- ed.

Hello everyone!

I am doing a paper on internet's effects on libraries and
would like to solicit your personal experiences on how this
affect your library, your staff and the library's service.

I'll appreciate your help on this. Kindly respond to me

Many thanks.

Lea delos Reyes

Library and Documentation Service
International Rice Research Institute
P.O. Box 933, 1099 Manila, Philippines
Tel: (63-2) 845-0563. Fax: (845-0606)
Ariel IP:
E-mail: l.delos-reyes@cgnet.com
http://ricelib.irri.cgiar.org   or   http://www.cgiar.org/irri
IRRI is one of 16 Centers supported by the Consultative
Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)