Re: Ejournal Access questions (Kamala Narayanan) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Aug 1998 16:26 UTC

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 12:17:16 -0400
From: Kamala Narayanan <narayana@STAUFFER.QUEENSU.CA>
Subject: Re: Ejournal Access questions (Promilla Bansal)

We put the userid and password on a web page for the title(s)....

At 11:01 11/08/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 09:52:02 -0500
>From: Promilla Bansal <pbansal@ACFSYSV.ROOSEVELT.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Ejournal Access questions (Anne Frohlich)
>I would be interested in knowing what others are doing since the
>publishers do want us to know the "code" on the packing slip which is
>hard to catch since our mail is opened at a different location.
>Promilla Bansal
>Roosevelt University Library
>Chicago,IL 60605
>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 12:15:23 -0500
>From: Anne Frohlich <frohlich@ACC.MCNEESE.EDU>
>How do you handle offers of access to online editions of print journals
>your institution subscribes to, when the access is by registration and
>Do you ignore these offers,
>        publicise them and give the password to enquirers
>        put the password on a web page
>        other?
>We have received several of these, from Business Week, Harvard =
>Review, and others.
>Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian        Phone:318-475-5741
>Frazar Memorial Library                 Fax:318-475-5719
>McNeese State University                =
>Box 91445
>Lake Charles, LA 70609


Kamala S Narayanan                 Phone: (613) 545-6000  ext 4540
Serials Librarian,                 Fax:   (613) 545-6819
Central Library Technical Services,
Queens University,
B100B Mackintosh Corry Hall,       E-mail:
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5C4.