Re: Prologue: Thanks! (Di Neumeister) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Aug 1998 18:42 UTC

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 13:25:18 -0500
From: Di Neumeister <drneumei@LCAC1.LORAS.EDU>
Subject: Prologue: Thanks!

Thanks to all those who answered my question about the _Prologue_ 25th
anniversary issue and v. 26 no. 2.  The 25th anniversary issue definitely
was (or was published in place of?) v. 26 no. 2. Now that I know nothing's
missing I can send it off to the bindery!


Diane Neumeister
Serials Asst.
Wahlert Memorial Library
Loras College